Band: Vastatum Title: Mercurial States of Revelation Label: Avantgarde Music Release Date: 11 February 2022 Country: Canada Format reviewed: High-quality...
Avantgarde Music
Band: Ysyry Mollvün Title: Ysyry Mollvün Label: Avantgarde Music Release Date: 11 February 2022 Country: Argentina Format Reviewed: High-quality digital...
Band: Inherits The Void Title: Monolith of Light Label: Avantgarde Music Release Date: 10 December 2021 Country: France Format Reviewed:...
Band: OlhavaTitle: Frozen BloomLabel: Independent (Digital) / Slowsnow Records (MC) / Avantgarde Music (CD&Vinyl)Release Date: 02 April 2021Country: RussiaFormat Reviewed:...
Italy’s Ad Nauseam is a band of making Avantgarde Extreme Metal of mind-melting proportions. Having released their debut album, the...
Band: Ad NauseamTitle: Imperative Imperceptible ImpulseLabel: Avantgarde MusicRelease Date: 12 February 2021Country: ItalyFormat Reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording Ladies and gentlemen,...
Edition XXXII... What I have here for you? Hmmm... A few more recos. EhEh Enjoy your Friday... Band: Profetus Title:...
Band: ISON Title: Inner Space Label: Avantgarde Music Release date: 25 August/5 September 2019 Country: Sweden Format reviewed: High-quality Digital...
And here we are again. Another Friday. Another #BAZFriday. For this issue, the number XXVII I decided to bring to...
Band: Chrome Waves Title: A Grief Observed Label: Avantgarde Music Release date: 5 July 2019 Country: USA Format reviewed: High-Quality...