#ShortOnes CLXXIII #UndergroundRecos
1 min readHello there,
I remember very well when I got for the first time one release from his label. Not the first release made by them, but the first one in my hand, was the tape from Warhammer “No Beast So Fierce…” and the tape from Hellkommander “Death to My Enemies”.
After that, I still managed to get several releases from them, but I’m very far of having all, even the latest ones. Sorry guys, I do not have money for all.
The label is moving inside the Black Speed Metal, Black Thrash Metal sound, and Heavy Metal too.
I like what they release and I hope they continue to release more and more.
So here I’m advising this label. The label in question is Dying Victims Productions
Check them and support them.
See you next week and…
Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.
The Key Keeper 666
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**