#ShortOnes CXLVII #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

Here I’m again to write some lines about some records I had the pleasure of listening to during this week.

Enjoy my travel into music and I hope you enjoy my recos.

Band: Beyrevra
Title: Echoes: Vanished Lore of Fire
Label: Trollzorn Records
Release date: 29 February 2024
Country: Germany
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

To start, a little joke… This album will only do years of release every 4 years. Sorry… But I had to say it. Now the most imported. The music. This album, the first one from this German band is a very good one. Even if doesn’t bring anything new in the world of our beloved metal, is very well constructed. Very good riffs, a good mix of melodic Black Metal with a mix of melodic Death Metal and Old school Death metal. The songs are catchy, it flow very pleasantly and when the album ends, I felt the need to press “play” again and listen. That is very positive in my opinion. Check them.

Band: Spiritual Deception
Title: Semitae Mentis
Label: Amputated Vein Records
Release date: 09 February 2024
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

In 2021 I had the pleasure of reviewing the previous work from this band. From that time till now, nothing changed in the band’s style. They look a bit more Technical compared to the previous work. The mix of Brutal Death Metal mixed with the orchestral music is still there and in my opinion more present. The mix is good but sometimes it looks a bit, too much. It doesn’t get boring to be honest. But sometimes more “open/empty” places would be appreciated. Even so, I advise this band.

Band: Throat
Title: Blood Exaltation
Label: Primitive Reaction
Release date: 09 February 2024
Country: Poland/Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

The band started in Poland but now is located in Poland/Finland. And what do I have here? A raw Black Punk Metal in your face with some doom touches. It’s simple and effective. No need for many things to do a good release. At least in my opinion. Some bands managed and some didn’t. Throat did. Unfortunately, this release only has 4 songs and two are bonus tracks. I want more. Check them.

See you next week and…

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**