#BAZUndergroundUpdates CCI

3 min read

It’s the last Tuesday of February already and what better way to spend the remainder of our paychecks than by picking out fabulous offers and merch features in our very own Underground Updates?

So, let’s see what’s out there…

ROTTING CHRIST Now if you don’t know this one then there is something wrong! The Greek legends of Rotting Christ have stood the test of time and now the first single from Pro Xristou has been presented titled Like Father, Like Son! Scheduled for a release on the 24th of May, the new album is said to include incredibly catchy riffs and of course the same hymns that resonate with the timeless message the indomitable spirit of Rotting Christ, but you can also just head over here and check out the new track for yourself if you don’t believe us!

NIGHTMARER This past Saturday the Nightmarer & Knoll west coast tour started, and surely why we all hope to see them on one of their shows, they are also celebrating the occasion (and due to popular demand) the record Deformity Adrift: Reformed can now finally be streamed on all major platforms, as well as you can claim your own digital copy by simply heading over here and name your price!

SKELETAL AUGURY Beijing’s sci-fi-driven black/thrash metallers Skeletal Augury just released their first album in ten years, 尤​瑞​卡 (Eureka), on Pest Productions. The album hits you with guttural bass, powerful drumming and cutting riffs from the get to. The album art is pretty cool too and if you want to really appreciate the visuals, the album can be yours on a limited vinyl run, as well as on CD and cassette. Check out the album in full here, where you can purchase a copy.

TROLLCAVE If you’re going to call your band Trollcave you should probably sound like your music is being spewed out of… well a cave of trolls. Job done on Rotted Remnants Dripping Into The Void by funeral doom/ death metal group Trollcave for the album does indeed sound like it’s dripping with metal muck. The album is out now on Spain’s BlackSeed Productions. Check out the album in full here, so you can drip the music through your speakers like sulphuric tar. There are also copies on vinyl and CD for your purchasing pleasure.

VENOMOUS ECHOES Let’s just cut to the chase and rip a hole through the fabric of the universe, shall we? Originally released in Panama and the US last year, Italy’s I, Voidhanger Records has snapped up experimental-blackened-death-metal album Writhing Tomb Amongst The Stars by Venomous Echoes and given it a tasty vinyl treatment (out June 28th). Limited copies are available, which you can purchase one of here (where you can listen to the album in full). And just in case that wasn’t enough, you can also check out follow-up album Split Formations And Infinite Mania, also available on vinyl and released April 5th.

Having to pay gigantic sums for international postage is a real gear grinder.

While it’s our default setting to link Bandcamp pages in the case of new and pre-releases, we thought it would be helpful to add some online stores that might provide a useful alternative.

So if you see a release you fancy, but it’s being sold in a far off land and you don’t want to fork out on exorbitant shipping, see if any of the links below can remedy the situation.

Dark Essence (Norway) Dark Essence (US)

Deathwish (EU) Deathwish (US)

Direct Merch (Australia)

eOne Heavy (EU) eOne Heavy (UK) eOne Heavy (US)

Ipecac (EU) Ipecac (US)

Metal Odyssey (EU) Metal Odyssey (US)

Napalm Records (Germany)

Prophecy Productions (Germany) Prophecy Productions (US)

Rough Trade (UK) Rough Trade (US)

Season of Mist (EU) Season of Mist (US)

Southern Lord (EU) Southern Lord (US)

Throne Records (World)

Transcending Obscurity (EU) Transcending Obscurity (US)

It’s almost hard to believe that March is just around the corner, however, as summer creeps ever closer we aren’t going to question the passing of time and simply go with it!

By Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**