#Slaughterror Endless Lust For Gore

3 min read

Band: Slaughterror
Title: Endless Lust for Gore
Label: Noble Demon
Release date:  23 February 2024
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording 

Slaughterror is a quite new Death Metal band hailing from Finland, you know, one of these countries where everything sounds more dark, more brutal, more like a kick in your ass… I mean, maybe it’s just because of their climate (the harsh winters, with only a few hours of daylight, the neverending days in the “warm” season…), or something that people there eat or drink. I’ve always wondered that thing about the Northern countries.

The thing is, here we have a trio who decided to get together in 2022 in order to play Death Metal in a brutal, aggressive, crushing way.  Let me introduce you the three gentlemen in Slaughterror:
Okko Solanterä – vocals (also vocalist in Horizon Ignited and in I Am the Night)
Saku Moilanen – guitars (playing keyboards and drums in Red Moon Architect)
Juuso Turkki – bass (ex-vocalist in Red Moon Architect and currently playing guitars, keyboards and backing vocals in The Hypothesis)
There’s no drummer credited in this band at the moment.

As you can see, these are busy guys. As if they hadn’t enough with their other bands, they needed to channel their more extreme aggressive side in Metal so they created this band. And they are about to release this beast, “Endless Lust for Gore”, a 4 track EP that I recommend you not to skip, and be ready for what can come. You have been warned…

The way this EP starts… Wow. You’re going to be out of breath for some seconds before you can digest that steamroller-like beginning. “Incarnation” is a short track, less than 3 minutes, enough to put you in context of what brutality in Death Metal means. Okko Solanterä’s voice is like a horrific creature regurgitation, it sounds nasty, gnarly, totally rotten. Guitars and drums deliver a very aggressive sound along with the vocals from the first second. The bass has its moment in this track when it stands alone with drums playing its part after 40 seconds of pure sonic destruction. I really like this kind of breaks. But don’t get fooled, wildness prevails.

“Victim” is the second track, it starts differently from the opener, here you have an instrumental part before mr. Solanterä starts with his bestial discourse. Rhythm is great, you can’t stand still while you’re listening to this! Very good drums in this one, not so fast, and along with downtuned guitars make the perfect groove.

The following “Endless Lust for Gore” is a succession of deadly riffs, with a feeling of unbearable weight on you from start to finish. Drums are responsible for breaking your skull into pieces, while guitars and bass deliver overwhelming low tuned riffs combined with sick vocals. Woah… what a wild ride it’s being!

The closing track, “I am Death”, is pure brutality, delivered by Moilanen’s guitars and the low resonant bass courtesy of mr. Turkki. The sound of their instruments is crushing; I’m sure that when they play, everything around them is set on fire. Solanterä’s performance is awesome, combining his deep gutturals with some bloody screams. 

And before you can realize, it’s all over. This is clearly too short, don’t feel guilty to play it again. Personally, I’m mesmerized with this bestial assault. For me it’s 9/10 Sílvia




9/10 Epic Storm
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