#BAZUndergroundUpdates CLXXIV
4 min readWe always seem to try and make these intros shorter and shorter, don’t we?
So, let’s see what’s out there…
TERMINALIST Danish-American hyper thrashers Terminalist has ready for us a brand spanking new single and a video to the track Mutating Fractures out now! You can head over here for a stream/download, and of course over here to watch the awesome video! The track is the second single from the band’s sophomore album, which is scheduled for a release on September 8th so surely you will want to head over here to place your pre-order!
EVERLASTING SPEW RECORDS The fabulous label has announced the pre-orders for the vinyl version of At The Eye Of Chaos by Olkoth! The vinyl is expected to land on November 10th and will be available in 150 coloured copies as well as 350 black copies! Head over here to get your copy secured!
BLACK LION RECORDS The sale continues over at Black Lion Records, who now are working hard on making up some space and are offering a 50% discount as well as 2for3, and more, on CDs, excluding pre-orders! Although they are making it look like a clearance sale to free up some boxes for the cats, we can see straight through that and just know that some new juicy metal goodness is coming in! Head over here to check out the selection and make sure to add the requested free extra CD in the checkout field!
NEONFLY/DRAGONY The two forces are joining together for a headline tour in Mexico! Rumour has it the UK alternative metal act NeonFly is thrilled to return to Mexican soil, as last year they had the privilege of supporting Epica during their tour there! This time co-headlining with Austrian power metal band Dragony, the two are all set to go already and so you should head over here right now to secure your ticket!
CULT LEADER: Planning a nice, relaxing evening, feet up with some soothing music on the stereo? You could do that or you could listen to some ultra-aggressive, misanthropic, bludgeoning metal, in the form of Cult Leader and their album Lightless Walk. Originally released in 2015, the Kurt Ballou produced album has been reissued on limited vinyl via Deathwish. Check it out here and do some push ups.
URNE Sometimes when staring into the black void it’s nice to have a chunky riff to groove to. Thank you then to Urne for their latest album A Feast on Sorror (out now on Candlelight Records UK). It’s aggressive, it’s bleak, it’s grim, but by golly does it groove (It does. That’s a rhetorical question. Check it out here.
TEMPLE OF DREAD It should be pretty clear from about 1.5 seconds of Beyond Acheron (the newly released album by Temple of Dread that the “dread” in question is that creeping horror variety (not the natty sort). Old-school death metal is here to smash your face in. Available from Testimony Records, you can snatch a copy on CD or vinyl here (or just have a listen, what are we here, the music police??).
EGREGORE Well, it’s coming out on Sentient Ruin Laboratories, so you know it’s going to be intense. Synchronistic Delusions, the debut full-length by grindcore act Egregore is nasty, dirty, aggressive (hmmm there’s a lot of aggression this week) and, well judging by the two preview tracks, pretty tasty. Check it out here, and pre-order a copy (if your little heart should desire it).
Having to pay gigantic sums for international postage is a real gear grinder.
While it’s our default setting to link Bandcamp pages in the case of new and pre-releases, we thought it would be helpful to add some online stores that might provide a useful alternative.
So if you see a release you fancy, but it’s being sold in a far off land and you don’t want to fork out on exorbitant shipping, see if any of the links below can remedy the situation.
Dark Essence (Norway) Dark Essence (US)
Direct Merch (Australia)
eOne Heavy (EU) eOne Heavy (UK) eOne Heavy (US)
Metal Odyssey (EU) Metal Odyssey (US)
Napalm Records (Germany)
Prophecy Productions (Germany) Prophecy Productions (US)
Rough Trade (UK) Rough Trade (US)
Season of Mist (EU) Season of Mist (US)
Southern Lord (EU) Southern Lord (US)
Throne Records (World)
Transcending Obscurity (EU) Transcending Obscurity (US)
Lots to choose from this week it seems! Now that we are halfway through August we do hope you continue to soak up the rest of the summer before snow and darkness takes over, and remember to take advantage of all the goodies and offers out there for us!
By Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**