#TheKryptik The Journey to the Darkest Kingdom

3 min read

Band: The Kryptik
Title: The Journey to the Darkest Kingdom
Label: Purity Through Fire
Release date: 02 June 2023
Country: Brazil
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

What I have the pleasure of writing about here today was an unforeseen event, something that wasn’t on my “must listen” list. It was chosen in a random way and… Sometimes I find really good music, sometimes not really, or as I say, not bad, just not for my ears.

There is a lot of good music out there, within the musical styles of each one, even outside of them. We simply have to discover it and try to listen. It’s not easy sometimes, it’s true, the reasons are immense, comfort in listening to what we really like, we identify with, that give us pleasure to listen to, that we follow, sometimes it’s laziness, stubbornness too, and many more. But sometimes it’s because I really like music, whatever it is, as long as it has quality in the quality parameters of each one, out of curiosity, thirst for knowledge, confirmation if it’s really worth it, and many more.

Due to this and as mentioned above, I chose this promo at random and…

First impression and looking at the name of the band, it never crossed my mind that they would play the style I heard, at least in terms of the style and/or variant of the style in question, which I will talk about below.

Then, I looked at the cover and even so, I continued, more or less with the same idea, with some additions of bands to come to mind, because the cover reminded me of some covers from the 90s.

As the album played on my stereo, I tried to do some research on the band, but the band’s name intrigued me. I knew that I had already read this word somewhere and I knew its meaning but my memory is not the same and I had to look again. If I’m right and if the band chose the name in the same way “The Kryptik” means the “Enigmatic God”, whose origin comes from the Greek. Let’s see if I got it right, I don’t believe they chose the name because it is considered a Trojan virus (I discovered it in my research).

With all this and in the middle of the research, the album was going very naturally and very pleasant. My random method had borne fruit, at least for the part of the research it already had, knowledge has no place (as they say in my country).

What seemed to be at the beginning, that is, a more traditional Black Metal, then when seeing the cover, bands like Dissection or Sacramentum came to mind, what I was listening to came out differently.

This Brazilian band managed to create a very good Black Metal, far from the Traditional, raw, or elitist style. In this album, Black Metal was very well played, with excellent passages, with a good production, with a mix in my equalization and I was able to hear the bass, this album is very well prepared.

My sincere congratulations for so much quality. However, I cannot deny the influences they had, or rather, those who reminded me to be more correct.

The Kryptik, navigates the world of Symphonic Black Metal and bands like Emperor, Limbonic Art, Mactätus, Sirius, cannot be denied their presence, that is, what reminded me.

It’s not my favorite aspect of Black Metal, I’m honest, but I also admit that I like many bands within it. The kryptik will be one more. I won’t talk about the passages (keys) that sometimes sound triumphant or majestic, or the excellent and at the same time melodious riffs, or the precise drums in all the songs listened, with an addition of an excellent voice. Why? Because this will be heard in all the songs and I would be repeating myself in all the songs.

I only say one thing, and I mean it. Listen to this album. They won’t regret it.
For me.. 9/10 The Key Keeper 666



9/10 Epic Storm
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**