#ShortOnes CVI #UndergroundRecos – Fiadh Productions – Part II

3 min read

Hello there,

I decided to do the second part of Fiadh Productions short reviews. Still warm since the last number and to be honest the quality is good.

Fiadh Productions… A label that moves especially inside the Black Metal and Dungeon Synth music styles, but also releases some Death Metal, Crust, Folk, Ambient, Dark Ambient, Hardcore, Drone, and Punk. Bariann is the person behind it, and until now, from what I heard (they are a lot of releases) Bariann released very good music. Some I like a lot, some are +/-, some are not my cup of tea or not my beach, like we say in my country, but I can listen to, some… Well, I really don’t identify with the music and I don’t listen to it cause I really don’t like it at all.

Well, is everything about musical tastes? Yes, that is my opinion, and we have to respect it. So, moving forward, I will comment here on the majority of the bands, sorry, but the hardcore ones are really not my thing and not the zine style.

Let me start with the band Desdenova and their second album named “Requiem for the Spring”. The band released the album digitally in January this year, and now the label made it real in physical format. What the band presents is a Black Metal, mainly in mid-tempo but you can also find faster moments here and there. But in my opinion is on the mid-tempo music parts that the band show us the best part. It manage to create a good Black Metal songs with some Ambient music mixed. Check them, well check this one-man-band.

The one-man-band Hexenschorf released “Certain Rapture” the first album back in May 5th. This band compared to the rest of the releases made by the label is a bit different. At least from what I know from the label rooster. Compared to the other bands, Hexenschorf, is Raw Black Metal. No time for Atmospheric, Ambient or Dungeon Synth parts. Just Raw Black Metal with many Punk feelings too. Was interesting listening. Check them.

From Mexico, I found, Oculi Melancholiarum. A band that started releasing music in 2021 and now the third album is out. The style of the band even if it is Black Metal is not the kind of sub-style that I listen to more. The band is moving inside the Depressive Black Metal mixed with some kind of Black Metal with pop, some people call it Post Black Metal. The music made by this one-woman-band is not bad, not at all. The songs are catchy, you can listen to them very well, and you can spend relaxing moments while listening to them, but, I only advise this band to the ones who like DSBM or Post Black Metal.

Had the pleasure to listen to more releases from this label, and I will have much more to listen to, cause this label doesn’t stop. Keep up the good work.

.: Fiadh Productions :.
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