#Frenzy Of Hoods and Masks

Band: Frenzy
Title: Of Hoods and Masks
Label: Fighter Records
Release date: 20 April 2023
Country: Spain
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
You’ll notice right from the start: the source of inspiration of Frenzy is the Heavy Metal/NWOBHM/Classic Hard Rock scene from the late 70s and 80s, and the instrumental intro “One Minute Closer to…” warns you: better be ready for a great guitar attack all along this album.
Oh yes, “The Doomsday” is powerful, and catchy, riffs bring you to mind some classic bands for sure, and the vocals have a bit of a raspiness that fits really well. The lead guitar really delivers, and I can see how suitable the name of the band is… And then, “Where is the Joke” strikes and I wasn’t expecting this to be so good: the bass playing a predominant role and this is a thing I always love. Also, an ultra-catchy chorus, with (again) great shredding work. And, talking about vocals… this man has a bit of a high range, and this makes the whole thing even more remembering that golden age of Hard Rock/Heavy Metal.
Frenzy has no compassion when it comes to bringing to life again that classic sound. Drums play some varied ways, they can add a high dose of energy like in “Uncompromised”, and they can play more restrained and low-paced tempos as in “Spectre of Love”. This song in the beginning is like a hard rock ballad, even if in the middle it starts to run a bit faster. I like it. A lot.

The lead guitar really shines in this album, just listen to the solo in “Betrayal in Cold Blood” and enjoy. The lyrics are inspired by the graphic novel Watchmen. So, if you are both a fan of NWOTHM and comics, hey you are double lucky! Anyway, if you are here only for the music like it’s my case, you’ll have a great shot of classic vibes running through your ears. The album includes a cover of Rick Springfield’ song “Living in Oz”.
As a closing theme, “Give Me Shred (or Give Me Death)” stands for the guitar predominance. Do you know that there are 12 guest guitar players invited to shred on this track? From the bands Hitten, Seven Sisters, Vultures Vengeance, Agresiva, Roar, Sacral Rage, Adamantia… Now that you know, tell me if you can be indifferent. Great work, guys!
Listening to this album released in 2023 and being transported to a time when Metal was this great, what a great thing. A high dose of nostalgia is guaranteed. 8,5/10 Sílvia
8,5/10 To Greatness and Glory!
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