#ShortOnes LXXVI #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

Another week is gone and one more Saturday arrived and it’s #ShortOnes Saturday. This week passed really fast, or at least it looked to me. I heard a lot of music and I need to restart to share it on my Twitter account even if the bands are not mentioned here… I will see about that since I don’t look for any protagonism… Only share music… Anyway…

Check my few recos…

Band: Blood Chalice
Title: The Blasphemous Psalms of Cannibalism
Label: Werewolf Records
Release date: 09 September 2022
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

After one demo and one album, this band releases now the second album. A very good album for fans of Black Witchery, Revenge, Teitanblood, Archgoat or Bestial Warlust. Very strong songs with very killer riffs, a sick voice, and the production of the album are more than good. An album to pat attention and listen to many times. Check them.

Band: Caïnan Dawn
Title: Lagu
Label: Osmose Productions
Release date: 30 September 2022
Country: France
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

The fourth album from this band and the third one via Osmose Productions. So I think you already know what you will listen to here. This album grabbed my attention from the first listening and the more I was listening to it, the more I was finding more interesting parts, and the more I was feeling the passion for it. Is a very good album, with a lot of good moments on it. You must listen to.

Band: Celestial Grave
Title: Vitriolic Atonement
Label: The Sinister Flame
Release date: 23 September 2022
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

The first demo was really good in my opinion, and the EP too, but the previous album (the first one) made more murmurs than the previous releases, in the Black Metal Underground and people said good things about it. Well, with this new album, people will talk more about it, or at least I hope because is even better than the previous one. At least in my opinion.

Band: Harvest of Ash
Title: Ache and Impulse
Label: Horror Pain Gore Death Productions
Release date: 02 September 2022
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

What a very good surprise. Very good Doom Metal mixed with some Sludge and some Rock too. At least that is what it sounds to me. Very good. The Doom cadence mixed with the Sludge weight and the Rock feeling/riffs/attitude does a mix that is very pleasant to listen to. The time I passed listening to this album was not lost and the pleasure of listening to good music was there. Thank you for it.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**