#ShortOnes LXXIII #UndergroundRecos

3 min read

Hello there,

Here I’m again with a few records for you. This article could have 30 bands or more every week and that, well, would not be enough to show or advise it to all of you. Music is so extensive, much many many music around there in so many music styles. And when you are a thirsty one? Tchhhhh… Even worse. Anyway…

Check my few recos…

Band: Blackbraid
Title: Blackbraid I
Label: Neuropa Records
Release date: 26 August 2022
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I could not let pass this amazing album. The song’s passages, the changes of tempo, the riffs, the song construction, and the production of the album… This album is a masterpiece. I heard it so many times during this week and every time I was playing it, well the correct is listening to it, I was so pleased to listen to all the parts. This is a very good damn masterpiece.

Band: Cultist
Title: Manic Despair
Label: Awakening Records
Release date: 26 August 2022
Country: Canada
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Sometimes having the same name as another band you know, you can find another good band. I happened to be with this band this time. I thought it was one band from another country and I discovered a very good Death Metal band from Alberta, Canada. Old style Death Metal was getting out of my cabinets. I did enjoy it. Give them a try. Note: The album was released digitally in February this year, only now in physical format.

Band: Might
Title: Abyss
Label: Exile on Mainstream Records
Release date: 26 August 2022
Country: Germany
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I was curious to listen to this band and… What a disappointment… Nah… I’m joking, got you. Listening to the album for the first time while checking some news about the band, reading the promo email… And after that… Well trying to understand in which world of music the band was moving… Well… To be honest… They are not that… They are moving in the Metal / Rock galaxy. The band could be a Black Metal band in a lot of riffs, Doom Metal with the cadence, Stoner in some riffs, some Rock band, an acoustic band, etc. What a very good surprise and music quality. Thank you a lot. If you want something different and very good… Check this band.

Band: Wampyric Rites
Title: The Wolves Howl to the Moon
Label: Signal Rex
Release date: 26 August 2022
Country: Chile
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I can’t avoid and compare this album with the previous one. This album is good, but still, is more based it atmospheric passages than the previous one. Is not a band album, no sir, but to be honest I was waiting for a continuation of the previous album and not a slight regression and looking like many bands around there. Even so, I like the album and I advise it.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**