#Gallower 🇵🇱 Eastern Witchcraft

Band: Gallower
Title: Eastern Witchcraft
Label: Dying Victims Productions
Release date: 5 July 2022
Country: Poland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
The sound of Gallower is genuine: pure Blackened Thrash Metal with that unabashed attitude, music that is not from this century. That’s perfectly noticeable when you listen to their EP “Eastern Witchcraft”, if you do that without knowing it’s been released only a few days ago, you’d probably say it’s an old blast from the past. This young band brings back to life the heavy and uncompromising rawness from early years of some bands that will come to your mind when you take a listen to their music.
Right from the start, the self-titled song “Eastern Witchcraft” lights the path; those drums rolling mercilessly above your skull, and riffs piercing your brain, until the raspy and vicious vocals start their insane performance… Damn, if all this doesn’t bring you back to the 80s Thrash and Black Metal scene, what will do that! Even the production is harsh enough to enhance the feeling. Ok, and we are here for a 16 minutes journey that I see will be sooo short…

“Claws and Fangs”, and the madness goes on… frantic guitar riffs and fast paced drums, it’s their “house brand”. Really, guys… I have the theory that they were an underground band back in the 80s and they were frozen by a witch spell until the year 2015, and when they woke up from their slumber they started playing their music again, just like they were doing the day before, in fact. Sounds legit!
The “dirty” bass at the beginning of “Susanoo’s Deceit” is heavy and wild, same as that crazy guitar solo near the end. And that final scream, yeah, wicked and savage! “Enchanted Woods” starts with an evil guitar tune and, again, drums do an overwhelming great work and my head can’t stop spinning. There’s a passage singing in Russian, that also adds something “extra” in terms of sonority, it’s good to hear bands using other languages besides English. Unfortunately, this track leads us to the end of this EP, as I said is too short but very enjoyable. Last minute and a half is an instrumental and kind of melancholic outro, fire and wind effects and a sad guitar tune. And then… only emptiness.
Maybe it’s time to check Gallower’s full-length album from 2020 if you are hungry for more, I’ll be doing it in a while, just let me end this review… For me, this EP deserves 8/10 Sílvia
8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**