#FleshConfiguration 🇺🇸 #News

3 min read

Flesh Configuration – Adapt Swarm Planet

An offering of technical brutal death metal that prioritizes grime, filth, and brutality over polished sterility. 

A perfect unison of chaotic dissonance and focused technicality pairs with deeply guttural vocals to leave the listener auditorily savaged.

For fans of Disgorge, early Cattle Decapitation, and Devangelic.


6 Brutal technical death metal tracks forming a blazing fast guttural filled EP, for fans of Disgorge, old Cattle Decapitation and Devangelic.

Blake Scott of Comatose Music’s Purulent Necrosis lays down killer rhythm guitar sections that leave the listener feeling maimed. Justin Vølus’ dissonant leads combined with Niklas Kveldulfsson’s fretless back attack makes each song feel otherworldly.

This marks another conquest for Jared Moran on drums blasting his way throughout, May 14th, 2022, this album will be available worldwide on CD format. Pre-order now and reserve your physical copy.”

About the Album

Flesh Configuration present their filthy brand of technical death metal with a level of brutality that is seldom found in modern offerings from the genre. While the trend in recent years in technical death metal is to overproduce, clean and polish, there are still acts that dare to keep things dirty and gritty and this happens to be one of them.

The album’s title Adapt Swarm Planet actually somewhat prepares the listener for what the album is about. The key word here is “swarm”, because there isn’t really a better way to describe the album’s energy and sound. Every element on the release seems to surround and engulf the listener from every direction. There’s a swirling, dizzying effect that leaves the listener both disoriented and auditorily savaged.

For some reason despite the beating the album doles out, you’ll keep coming back for more. The band chose to keep the album to a tight 20:37, which definitely works in the album’s favour. The release is too abbrasive to run for a full hour and even 30 straight minutes of this level of brutality would become taxing. But that clean 20:37 allows for multiple listens whenever you feel like taking a brief auditory beating.

Justin’s deeply guttural and gurgled rawer vocals sit perfectly within the brutal death metal realm and bring an added weight and level of filth to the mix. The dual guitar assault that he presents in unison with Blake makes for a perfect union of dissonant chaos and focused technicality. Add to this mix Niklas’ thick, chunky bass work and Jared’s disorienting, inhuman drumming style and it makes for a perfect storm of brutality.

Take the plunge today and let Adapt Swarm Planet transport you to another world where technical death metal still prioritizes brutality over polished sterility.

Artist: Flesh Configuration
Album: Adapt Swarm Planet
Release Date:
 Brutal/Technical Death Metal
 Compact Disc, Digital
 Vargheist Records
 South Carolina, United States
 $11 Compact Disc, $4 Digital

Album Credits

Justin Vølus – Vocals, Lead Guitar, Lyrics
Blake Scott – Rhythm Guitars
Niklas Kveldulfsson – Session Bass
Jared Moran – Drums

Nicholas Turner – Mixing and Mastering
Momo Maggot Art – Front Cover Artwork
Justin Vølus – Recoloring and Inlay Design

Track Listing:

1. Revitalized Impurification (03:07)
2. A Legacy of Violence (03:06)
3. Infinite Despair (02:41)
4. Cesspool Vortex Enigma (04:37)
5. Hour of the Sleeper’s Rebirth (04:13)
6. Necrotic Spire (02:52)



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