Krossfyre – Rites of Extermination

2 min read

Band: Krossfyre
Title: Rites of Extermination
Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Release date: 23 July 2021
Country: Spain
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Well, this album starts with a blast… literally! First minute running and I caught the idea: it seems that this is a very energetic album, to say something. And truth is that it doesn’t disappoint. The opener, “Rivers of Fire”, is a total display of aggression and fury unleashed. The way the drummer grinds the snare and cymbals is really intense, and it goes along with some impressive guitar riffs, wow that’s a great start! The vocals also help to the whole sonic experience, performed in a dark, rough and hoarse way, fitting here perfectly. I really enjoy the phrase “It’s the sign of the inverted cross, fire in the sky!” repeated a few times, seem like nice lyrics about chaos and destruction… Good, good!

Talking about riffs… “Casus Belli” starts with a sick one, it’s just like a worm making its way through your brain, and the song moves along mixing some Black, Thrash and Death Metal elements, ‘cause this is what the album is about, a strong and smashing blend of such genres. For me it’s really enjoyable listening to this miscellaneous work, these guys really stand for some obscure and seriously heavy stuff, and they maintain a high level of fierceness all through the 37 minutes length of this album.

J.F. and C.S. are not shy at filling every song with demolishing riffs and some brilliant solos (as in “W.L. (Burn Like Fire)”), and J.G. is the guy pulverizing the drum kit, they together know how to bring fury and infernal speed to your greedy ears. L.O., the vocalist, sounds as wicked as he can be; all four together deliver brutality with no refrain, unrefined and relentlessly.

One thing that caught my attention (besides the music, but also related to it) is the fact that each one of the four members in Krossfyre are involved in a few other bands, it seems that they are really busy musicians! This, and the fact that “Rites of Extermination” is their debut full-length album (they only released a previous EP in 2017), makes me think about the journey that these guys have started and hopefully it will be long and full of success! 8/10 Sílvia


Official website

8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
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