#ShortOnes XVI #UndergroundRecos
Hello there,
Another bloody week is gone. Always running, and always with lack of time to listen to our beloved music. Yes. even if the day had 30 hours or more we would always complain cause we didn’t had the time to listen to our music. Humans, always complaining. ahahahahaha. Hope you enjoy my recos.

Band: Kold
Title: Kold
Label: Vendetta Records
Release date: 21 June 2021
Country: Denmark
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
What a surprise… Very good. The first release from this new band hailing from Denmark. These two-man band made this EP and to be honest… It is very fast to the top 10 of the year. Not joking. The 4 song EP is a very good and well-done work that fits very well on Black Metal second wave. A masterpiece in my opinion. You must check this.

Band: Leiþa
Title: Sisyphus
Label: Noisebringer Records
Release date: 25 June 2021
Country: Germany
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
I shared this album a few days ago on my Twitter private profile. And… I should mention it here too. This one-man made a very good album. Yes, he did. The first release of this band from Bavaria, Germany. It has melody, brutality, atmosphere, feeling. That is Black Metal and very well done to be even more correct. Check it. Really, do it.

Band: Dimentianon
Title: Dreaming Yuggoth
Label: Paragon Records
Release date: 13 July 2021
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
This a band that I have been following since the beginning. Unfortunately, the band is not constant doing releases, maybe cause of the line up changes but, at least what they release in my opinion is good and the band deserves a check out. So, after 11 years from the latest release Dimentianon is relasing a new album. The Death Black Doom Metal style still here, in some songs more Black, others more Death with the Doom mixed here and there. I like the band, but to be honest and this is a request to even if I know that sometimes not possible. Dont take so much time to do a new release.

Band: Entierro
Title: El Camazotz
Label: Independent
Release date: 18 June 2021
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
If you are following our zine and my recos or my reviews you already read that I’m not a big Heavy Metal fan. So why I’m giving you a Heavy Metal band reco? Well. For that, I have the answer, in fact, a very simple one. THIS BAND IS GOOD. They manage to grab my balls with their music. I don’t know why but I’m kind of picky with this kind of Heavy music, but they managed to survive. LOL. So give them a listen and enjoy it.
Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.
The Key Keeper 666
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.