Unendlich – Paradox of a Broken World

Band: Unendlich
Title: Paradox of a Broken World
Label: Independent
Release Date: 09 July 2021
Country: USA
Format Reviewed: High-quality digital recording
When I went through the actual catalogue of albums for reviewing, my eyes got catched by the word Unendlich, which means “without end” or “infinite” in German. Let´s give it a spin…. And hell yeah, it was the right choice.
The underground Black Metal scene has many pearls in hidden places, and the new album “Paradox of a Broken World” from Unendlich is for sure one of them.
Multi-instrumentalist Michael Connors started the one-man band Unendlich in 2010, their style “retains the chaotic aggression and brutality of black metal tempered with Connors’ signature melodic edge, recalling the halcyon days of extreme metal.”
After 3 previous records, “Monarch Of The Damned” (2014), “Scales Of Existence” (2016) and “Thanatophobia” (2019), Michael Connors willl release “Paradox of a Broken World” in early July and it “juxtaposes the impending doom of a world coming undone at its seams with the consistent need for humans to deny their own reality”.
The 10 track album opens with “Wisdom of Suffering”, which shows directly, what we are talking about here. Black Metal at its finest, blast beats meets screams and thriving, melodic guitars from second one, accompanied by catchy arpeggios.

“No Hope” (with additional Lead Guitar by Tyler McCarthy, also on “Inner Kill”) starts surprisingly with accoustic tones, after the calm intro, it goes directly from 0 to 100. The combination of terrific riffs blended with Michael Conners voice performance, keeps you thrilled from the start to the end. Black Metal needs more guitar solos!
The whole album is streaked by the kind of melodies, that flow into your ears and stay inside your head. The titlesong “Paradox of a Broken World” closes the album with a cascade of blastbeats, harmonies and wrathful vocals. A worthy finale for this excellent record.
Unendlich created an album, that keeps you tied to the songs. It is simply fun to listen, not one song I wanted to skip. The blend of raw Black Metal vocals, melodic riffs and guitar solos, combined with an excellent production quality, shows the potential of this band from Maryland, US.
If you like the melodic part of Black Metal, this is absolutely what you should listen next. 9/10 Ylva
9/10 Epic Storm
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**