Internal Conflict – Aporia

2 min read

Band: Internal Conflict
Title: Aporia
Label: Independent
Release date: 09 July 2021
Country: UK
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Internal Conflict are dropping their new record on 9th of July but lucky me, I get it early!

Passion, intent and sincerity. Cannot go wrong with this band as they have the whole package.
You can tell this album means allot to them as they are doing everything they can to make each song as their best track as it flows, the album is crammed with choruses, riffs and heavier sections and did I mention groove? The Metalcore buffet is now open.

I have to say that I am not “into” Metalcore as a whole but there’s a few bands that stood out to me in the past like Heart Of Coward for example so not an expert by any measure. I am not massively keen on clean “bleeding heart” choruses in metal because they sound so similar to everything else and they follow a formula that makes them saturated and lose effectiveness. But they can be done really well with the right context and execution with the songs obviously etc.

That being said these guys have challenged me as the vocals performed by Adam and Matt are so consistently solid and well-executed, they caught me enjoying them and my disdain for these kinds of choruses went away parodically through the record, and found myself full-blown enjoying a fair few of them. so, kudos there.

There’s some cool atmospheric and transient sounding Samples and programming/instrumentations and elements all the way through the record which I really enjoyed and gave the songs the gravity they wanted to get across in-between and during tracks playtime.

The band pulls off some serious feats and surprises all the way through with great drum and guitar sections constantly bringing it all together and polished off by Adam and Matt. I was surprised how uplifting and emotive this record was and less aggressive and heavy, I can’t flaw a single member of this band from the song structure to the writing, passion, and intent, it’s all here. Easily some of the most talented musicians in the scene right now for sure!

I can see this album being VERY successful in their scene and solid live, as they all have created a product produced by Neil from Initiate Audio & Media which stands out in a saturated and typical genre, and in my opinion toppled their peers proving that the genre is still very much alive and the reins need to be given over to younger bands. 7/10 Kieran


7/10  Victory is possible
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