Short Ones IX #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

For today I decided to do something different of the previous times I made this arcticle.
Instead of giving you some recos about 4 bands I decided to talk/write about just one band.

It’s a band that I follow since the second demo and since then I try to get all the releases. To be honest I only don’t have one compilation and two digital releases.

The reason that I’m doing this? Well, quite easy. It is a very good band in my opion and they deserve to be mentioned.

At this moment Dizziness are:

Pyriflegethon: Bass (2008-2013), Guitars (2008-present) (also in Divine Blasphemy, Vetusmora)
Grind: Bass (2013-present)
Defiant: Guitars, Vocals (backing) (2019-present) (also in Dark Vision, Utkena, Absonus, Clepsydra, and ex-Defiant Existence, ex-Kosmokrator, ex-Septagram)

Like all bands (normally) some persons are no longer related with the band and only made part of it for some or just one release.

For example:
Tantalos (Vocals) Just in 2008.
Moscho (Guitar) since 2008 till 2019, if we included the compilation released that year.
Yngve (Drums) since 2012 till 2019, if we included the compilation released that year.
Gareth (Vocals) since 2012 and 2019, if we included the compilation released that year.
Apostate (Vocals) in 2014 and 2019, if we included the compilation released that year.
Ithonas (Vocals) since 2014 till 2019, if we included the compilation released that year.
Geegor (Drums) in 2017 and 2019, if we included the compilation released that year.

The musicians mentioned above are active in bands or were active in bands such as Acherontas, Burial Hordes, Mortuus Caelum, Gungnir, Diabolical Principles, Archaeos, Unholy Ritual, Profane Prayer, Divine Blasphemy, Liturgy of Desecration, Sulferon, Utkena, and many others. Some known, others not so much, some with many years of existence, some, just with a few years and few very recent.

The music they play… Well, they play Hellenic Black Metal. In some releases more traditional and the roots of the Hellenic Black Metal are more present in other releases they are a bit different but the roots still there. They are an amazing band? Well, in my opinion, they are not, no masterpiece, no major league, or call what you want. They are just (in my opinion) a good band playing a very good music style, but they deserve recognition and respect for evrything they did till now.

I really hope they continue to release more music in the future and that I have the change to grab the releases for my private collection.


Hope you check this band and enjoy it as much I do.
The following song is the latest single they released.

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**