Wormlight – Nightmother

2 min read

Band: Wormlight
Title: Nightmother
Label: Black Lion Records
Release date: 07 May 2021
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality digital recording

Yeahhhhhhh. New Wormlight album. And what a masterpiece. Yes. True story. I know the band since the second EP named “Bloodfields” when I got the physical copy and after I knew them, tried to listen to the first EP “An Ancient Enemy” and get the physical copy. Till now… no success, But I have the digital…

In 2018 the band released the album “Wrath of the Wilds” (a very good one too) and it was reviewed by Count Vlad (check here) and should I compare this new album with the previous one? Nah, no need, and I will not do it. And I’m here to talk about the new album. “Nightmother”

9 songs, yes 9 beautiful songs, yes 9 hymns, yes 9 masterpieces, yes 9 majestic songs, yes 9 magnific songs… I could go on with this. EhEh!

After I heard many many mamny many times this album, I still can’t find one song that is weak, one song that i dont like so much, one song that I can say “this song is a bit weaker that the previous one or bla bla”. No, that didnt happened. The reason? Well… That is quite simple. They are all good, so damn good.

And what it does even more this album sounding so damn good to me? Well, that is also easy. Is the best release made by them till today. I really like the previous ones. And knowing the band since the beginning and seeing the evolutation of them makes me really happy. Very happy to be honest.

The band is playing mainly Black Metal but they can’t deny that they have a Melodic Death Metal rib on their own music. That is bad? Well, I’m not a big fan of that music style, but I can’t deny that the mix when it’s noticed is very well done.

The all album like the previous one (damn I mentioned the previous album, lol) is very energetic, very well played, and still very melodic. Not so many bands made it with such good quality as Wormlight in my humble opinion.

The deverse a listen or 2, or 3, or more if you desire. But I give one advice… Start from the first release till this one. That way you will see the evoluation of the band. 9/10 The Key Keeper 666



9/10 : Epic Storm!
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