Anhedonia – Ora Tenebris

Band: Anhedonia
Title: Ora Tenebris
Label: Independent
Release date: 26 February 2021
Country: USA
Format: High-quality Digital Recording

“Anhedonia” the medical condition to be able to feel no pleasure!? great start to a band, makes you know this is going to be visceral, pummelling, and unpleasant… Well, let us jump in, shall we!?

Starts off in your face with “Lamenting hymns” with a wall of distortion and harrowing screams and a groove-laden assault into frantic chaos! This track swings more expected of the genre but has enough variety and variation to keep you intrigued and that head bobbing readying you for the heavy and thematic break into the “Matriarch” reminding me of Travis Ryan on vocals (seriously) taking you into a DOOM esque groove and punching you in the face getting progressively heavier and dissonant after each movement of the song ending up into a hypnotic heavy wall of distortion and brutality!

“Noose” showing a symphonic and interesting side to these guys giving me a great image of Somone who`s losing themselves and only one option of control is left, gives a lot of the context of ferocity and depth…

Next up we have “Seed Of Misery” this song musically gives me Vulvodynia meets Cattle Decapitation, this song is my Favorite on this record for the scope and imagery used and progressive elements to the structure really creates a great atmosphere! Ough!

Lastly “Whispers Of  Serpent” This groove-laden brutal track hits like a fisting train, live this would be ferocious! This one hits themes of self-destruction and anger and the temptations to lash out against the world, this EP tells the story of Somone who is just at thier limit of nothing as the EP title translates to roughly ‘The mouth of light and darkness’ this shows the yin and yang of conscious existence and always being on that edge… 8/10 Kieran


8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
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