Maestitium – Tale of the Endless

3 min read

Band: Maestitium
Title: Tale of the Endless
Label: Black Lion Records
Release date: 5 February 2021
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

So, the new year has finally rolled around and there is no time to waste to jump right into new releases and upcoming music. One EP is coming up quite soon titled “Take of the Endless” by Maestitium. Now, as a solo project by one Elias Vestrin it has been claimed that it was his idea to create something in the vein of Insomnium, Wintersun, and other Finnish melodic death metal groups with strong sounds, I believe that now he has finally made it to where he wanted to be.

The EP includes four amazing tracks, beginning with “The Undying Travail” as an intro. The beauty of the chiming melodies is capturing from the very beginning, giving the feeling that the following three tracks that are yet to come will be majestic and powerful. The synthesized bells, string, and winds lead directly into the next track “Morning Star”, which I believe I can safely say is my favorite. The instant power hits the listener with brilliant melodic death metal wonders and of course, the strong drumming is done by the master himself, Nils Fjellström. Not too shabby at all ladies and gentlemen. The incredible groove is topped off with some great harsh vocals, and for anyone who loves Insomnium, such as myself, this is really giving the Finns a run for their money.

“Song of the Freezing Wind” is next to show what it has to offer and does so in a pure acoustic way before the majestic, distorted guitars raid in raising the sound to a higher atmosphere. In the center, the melodies stand as ever present, and Nils performs more down to earth material over the usual super-fast drumming that he might be more known for. Both the growls as well as the clean vocals are to be given credit as well, but in the end, it is all the pieces that are glued together that makes this so great.

The title track, “Tales of the Endless”, is the final track here which begins blast beat drums with all the beauty that has already been heard on all the previous tracks on top. With a verse in the form of such masterpiece, it is only further aided with the strong vocals. Another Finnish band Brymir comes to mind, as the pianos and strings create a truly lovely atmosphere that completely managed to suck me in.

This EP is composed of beautiful manners. With such spot-on produced melodic death metal you can´t go wrong and will hopefully take the melodic metal community by storm. I see no errors in beginning my year blasting this extreme EP, tamed by beautiful melodies, on my speakers, and honestly, 2021 probably could not have started in a better musical way. 10/10 Julia Katrin


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10/10 : Immortal Classic
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