BAZ Friday LXXVI – Underground Reco For Underground Maniacs

2 min read

Another week is ending, another week from this fckg year is ending, another week running in our works, another week with our beloved music by our side.

So, let me start with my recos for all of you, lovers of the underground.

Band: Lament
Title: Visions and a Giant of Nebula
Label: Casus Belli Musica / Beverina Productions
Release date: 01 December 2020
Country: Indonesia
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Post-Black Metal
Time playing: 43:22
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 8/10
Details: Originally released on 20 April 2020 in Asia soil, now see the light in the European soil. And… A very good album, with a lot of melodies and very flowing in my opinion.

Band: Release The Blackness
Title: Tragedy
Label: Cult of Parthenope
Release date: 06 December 2020
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Progressive Death Metal
Time playing: 46:32
Cover/Music: 9/10 – 7/10
Details: I admit that I’m not a big fan of Progressive Metal or Groove Metal. Of course, that are bands and bands. After I heard this Italian band I decided to put them on my list. Try it.

Band: Children of Technology
Title: Written Destiny
Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Release date: 18 December 2020
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Speed/Thrash Metal/Punk
Time playing: 33:39
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 8/10
Details: This Italian band is not new in the Metal music world. I have to admit that I don’t know everything from them, but what I know, I like it. Check them.

Band: Cesspool of Corruption
Title: Eradication of the Subservient
Label: Gore House Productions
Release date: 11 December 2020
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Style: Death Metal
Time playing: 25:16
Cover/Music: 8/10 – 9/10
Details: Originally released in 2016 by the band, but the USA label decided to re-release it with new artwork. Very good Death Metal. The only “sad” thing, is this is only an EP.

From my private collection…

Band: Cień
Title: Ecce Homo
Label: Morbid Chapel Records
Release date: 07 April 2015
Country: Poland
Format reviewed: Tape
Style: Black Metal
Time playing: 45:11
Cover/Music: 6/10 – 7/10
Details: I got the tape version of this good Black Metal band from Poland. Nothing new, but well done.

Band: Briargh
Title: Ebro
Label: War Flagellation Productions (unknown status)
Release date: 2009
Country: Spain
Format reviewed: Tape
Style: Black Metal
Time playing: 52:02
Cover/Music: 7/10 – 8/10
Details: This is a compilation tape that contains the three demos “Labaros”, “A Black Mark over the Land” and “Soledad”. Very good band.

And now… A classic…

Band: Daemonium
Title: Dark Opera of the Ancient War Spirit (Or Search The Light)
Label: Adipocere Records
Release date: 1994
Country: France
Format reviewed: CD
Style: Black Metal
Time playing: 26:02
Cover/Music: 7/10 – 9/10
Details: The first an only album from this amazing one man band. You must check it.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

Till next #BAZFriday
The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.