Incinery – Hollow Earth Theory

2 min read

Band: Incinery
Title: Hollow Earth Theory
Label: Independent
Release date: 30 October 2020
Country: Nottingham, UK
Format: High-quality Digital Recording

It’s that time of year when things start to die and the weather becomes slowly more miserable as the last moments of summer sun fizzle out…
so that’s why you need a HEAVY dose of THRASH to wake you out of your walking sleep! and that’s what Incinery do with their new album “Hollow Earth Theory” I’m still picking my brain off the floor.

This album is Thrashtastic but eclectic showing their chops off with melodies, stampede pace, and lighting riffing all bundled into one record!
The amount of influences these guys have are strewn all through the record and makes the listen a bit more adventurous than a straight-up thrash record, I heard so many bands in this album Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Exodus, Anthrax, Xentrix, Evile, Sylosis, etc would not surprise me if they listened to these on the regular because I felt all these bands channeled.

The album is long for thrash 11 tracks in total clocking in at 52 minutes, a long listen.. so to hold someone’s attention that long with a genre so narrow is not easy but id argue they managed to hit this and miss it at the same time the first 5 tracks are a nice mixed bag of thrashy goodness but 6,7,8 being my least keen tracks as I didn’t feel the ‘oomph’ but were no near bad by any degree just they set thier bar too high too early as all long thrash albums is getting that balance right. BUT last 3 picks up completely and tears your head off and finishes off the record in good stead leaving me satisfied.

Theres a few negatives on the record if was to be “that guy”, the general production/mix was too loud for guitars and vocals and the drums were left in the background allot could be blended into the mix better, Some of the takes for guitar and vocals could have been neater too BUT apart from my grumpy arse being picky the songs are REALLY well made and there is some incredible musicianship all the way through and there’s no denying the ability of these lads as they can seriously go for it and have the chops to hold thier own playing with any UK thrash band live.

Overview: Thrashtastic! A Thrash fan must buy record of 2020 for sure. 7.5/10 Kieran


7.5/10 Victory is possible
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