Toadeater – Bit to Ewigen Daogen

2 min read

Band: Toadeater
Title: Bit to Ewigen Daogen
Label: Maniyax Records (CD) / Revolvermann Records (LP) / Kellerassel Records (MC)
Release Date: 2 October 2020
Country: Germany
Format Reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

“Bit to Ewigen Daogen” is 2nd full-length album following “Codex” from 2019. This year also saw the EP release of “Hestia” which again evidenced the throwing out of the rule book on what comprises metal.  Toadeater is post-black, atmospheric, metal, which as all know has its roots in black metal, but also pushes the envelope on adding a variety of sounds to therefore make it something new and different. Toadeater uses that formula and makes the fans embrace more of what can be created in the combining of sounds. 

Toadeater formed in 2018, a three-piece band consisting of Mohring- vocals, guitar, Buddi- bass, and Schneider – drums.  Their sound and evolution adds more layers and takes listeners down paths of black metal inspired sound combinations that fairly burn into your memory, very different sounding but so memorable for that reason. 

Now, to hear what “Bit to Ewigen Daogen” offers.  The first short intro of this album, “Before the Desecrated Sanctuary” is wonderfully ominous in the heavy piano notes displaying a melancholy in the spareness of musical arrangement.  “Conquering the Throne” is riffs upon riffs.  The vocal is not quite a shriek but holds power in the guttural restraint.  This track reveals the variety, from heavy hard-hitting riffs to interludes that lighten the overall mood.  But never mistake this track for light feeling, it’s not.  

“Crowns and Sparrows”, first off that title! Gets you because of what connects that.  Brutal dive into black metal vocals.  Interspersed with guitar riffs and drums that keep the listener focused.  The melodies that are sung in this, chants that really grab for that darkness and bleakness.  Love hearing the range this band reaches.  Surprising interludes in this track too, keeping me guessing on what will come next. 

“Returning the Crown” with more intensity of vocals, blasting drumbeats, and riffs.  Power and range on display in this track.  To finish the album is the track, “Too Close to the Sun”, which touches on more atmospheric pacing.  Relying on the mood created by the tone of this, this too shows the differing layers of feeling being placed in a song.  Toadeater is a band that takes the black metal roots, and meld them with sounds that become deeper and richer.   Unforgettable and unique. I give 8 out of 10. Metal Marie



Maniyax Records

Revolvermann Records

Kellerassel Records

8/10 To Greatness and Glory!
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