Baz Underground Updates XIII

4 min read

Is it really Tuesday again already? So here we are for BAZ Underground Updates XIII and once again there are some exciting upcoming events and some interesting releases on the horizon that you may want to get your paws on without delay.

Let’s see what’s out there…

Band: Candlemass

With most of their shows in 2020 canceled or pushed back to later dates in 2021, Candlemass have decided to not just lay around, and have set up a stream event planned to go live on Friday the third of July at 20:00 CEST/ 19:00 BST/ 14:00 EDT. The show will be broadcast from Studio Gröndahl and tickets are now available. Should you find yourself otherwise occupied on Friday there is no need to worry, because the ticket will also grant you access to the show for a limited time afterwards. So if you miss Doom ´N’ Gloom this is the show you should tune in to at the end of the week, and make sure to visit the band’s event page for the show for additional information.

Band: Suicide Silence

Virtual World Tour alert! Suicide Silence has now announed all virtual world tour dates and tickets are on sale! Note that all ticket purchasers will receive a 15% discount code that can be used on an exclusive merch collection until the end of July. All shows include a 90 minute long multi-camera live stream, exclusive sneak peek into the band’s upcoming Live Life Hard DVD, skits and exclusive media content and much MUCH more! The first shows for this week are scheduled on the seconth, third, fifth and sixth of July in New York, Boston,  Los Angeles, Norfolk,  Las Vegas, London and Baltimore, all in local market time. The group will tailor each show to the vicinity where it will be streamed to, and not to mention that each show is unique and only to be seen once. Make sure to head over to the band’s Facebook page and find all the information you need, including all the other dates throughout July in different cities of the world. But fret not, we will of course also continue to remind you through the month what shows are coming up for Suicide Silence, where and at what time.

Band: Cenotafio

Starting things off we return to the excellent label Blood Harvest, who have got hold of some fiendish metal from the Chilean underground. “Larvae Tedeum Teratos” by Cenotafio was originally released in 2019 and will be available again on vinyl and CD from September 11th (the CD is almost sold out though so don’t hang about). Check them out here if you think you’re ready for some pulverising death/black metal.

Band: Ruin

From one dose of brutality to the next we go to Horror Pain Gore Death Productions who have just announced the forthcoming release by the blunt force death metal trauma of Ruin with their new collection of previously released tracks “Plague Transmissions: Vol 2”. Available digitally and on CD as well as with a range of T-Shirt/ CD bundles to choose from here, check out the preview track below to hear immediately that this band doesn’t mess about.

Band: Janvier

While many of us are experiencing some particularly hot weather the reissue of the eponymous album by Quebec duo Janvier, on Vendetta Records, will definitely make you feel like stranded on a freezing mountain top. Bleakly cold, slow, and harsh, if you have a black metal itch you need to scratch do check this band out. A few copies of CDs and vinyl test pressings are still available as well as the regular vinyl edition and of course digital option. Check them all out here

Band: Pyrrhon

But if you’re looking for something really bizarre, come step inside the world of New York’s Pyrrhon. The band’s latest album “Abscess Time” was released last week and it’s a gut churning maelstrom of twisted experimental death metal. Drawing on a range of extreme metal influences, copies are already selling fast (with one vinyl edition already sold out). Check out the available vinyl and CDs here as well as various t-shirts and strap yourself in to have your mind melted and your face ripped off.

Band: Havohej

And finally, while I wouldn’t endorse anyone attempting to summon demons from the underworld, you might enjoy listening to what sounds like the results of such dark rituals laid to wax. “Table of Uncreation”, the third album by Connecticut’s Havohej, is one of the most hypnotically atmospheric creations of black metal monstrousness you are likely to have heard in a while. Originally released in 2019, Hells Headbangers Records have announced new CD, vinyl and cassette editions due out at the end of July. Check them all out as well as t-shirts here and listen to the track below for a taste of what lies in store for you.

As summer passes by we start to see more and more dates of shows and concerts being rescheduled and more festivals are popping up for the year 2021, and so it is safe to say that we have much to look forward to. Don’t worry, it may seem like forever now, but time will go by just as it always has. But while we wait there are plenty of opportunities, shows and offers that we can and should take advantage of because, well let’s face it, keeping yourself busy will make time go faster, right?

By Julia Katrin and Tom Boatman