BAZ Friday L – Underground Reco For Underground Maniacs
It’s true… Number “L”. To be honest I never thought that I will reach this number. I will explain why. Not because I don’t like doing this, cause I LOVE. It’s my beloved music, my beloved METAL. But I never thought that people could write some DM on my private Twitter account, saying that they love some bands that I mentioned. That was/is and will be always amazing for me. So, for the issue “L” (In Roman numbers to the ones more distracted) I advise the following bands.
Band: Nemesium
Title: Continua
Label: Black Lion Records
Release date: 12 June 2020
Country: Australia
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
From Australia I advise Nemesium. This is the first album from this band, and… What an amazing album. Damn, so good Blackened Melodic Death Metal. The songs are so good, catchy riffs, good sound production, a very good voice. You must check this band. Yes, you must.
Official Website
Band: Cosmic Putrefaction
Title: The Horizons Towards Which Splendour Withers
Label: I, Voidhanger Records
Release date: 22 May 2020
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: Digital Promo
Do you like carvernous Death Metal with some atmospheric parts? Good. So what you are waiting for? You want the links for listen to? I can give them, but you should listen to this. Support this band.
Band: Awaketh
Title: Demo MMXX
Label: Independent
Release date: 11 February 2020
Country: Galicia/Spain
Format reviewed: Digital Stream
Released originally by the band, after that in tape format by In Pulverem Mortis Productions and released again by Tour de Garde. This band plays a very good Raw Black Metal in my opinion. Nothing new to be honest, but what is recorded is very well done and the songs are very good in my opinion. I hope the band release more music. I want to hear.
In Pulverem Mortis Productions
Tour de Garde
Band: Firienholt
Title: Beside the Roaring Sea
Label: Independent
Release date: 23 May 2020
Country: England
Format reviewed: Digital Stream
While I was “traveling” on the net, to be more correct on Bandcamp. I found this masterpiece. Firienholt from Leeds, England. Damn. So good. Even if I’m just mentioning here the “Beside the Roaring Sea” release, In April they (or he???, didn’t found any info about the members) also released “The Crownless”. Both releases are a perfect mix of Epic Atmospheric Black Metal and Dungeon Synth. Congratulations on these two masterpieces. Check them.
Don’t forget to support the bands and the labels too.
Till next #BAZFriday
The Key Keeper
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.