Nobody – Gospel of the Goat

2 min read

Band: Nobody
Title: Gospel of the Goat
Label: Inverse Records
Release Date: 17 January 2019
Country: Finland
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo

I found NOBODY. This sounds a bit strange, but… Yes, it’s true. I found the band NOBODY.

This one-man Finnish acoustic Black Metal band managed to surprise me, so well, but so well that I already lost the times I heard this promo. 

The Black Metal riffs, the Black Metal feelings, the Black Metal atmosphere, the Black Metal voice are all here in these 5 songs included in this EP. But I noticed that are some influences in the songs. Especially, Spanish, Portuguese and Belgian acoustic guitar way of playing but other styles I found it too. Maybe because the person toured extensively in Spain, Portugal, Belgium among other countries.

Like I said above, this EP surprised me a lot. To be honest, I was a bit hesitant in playing this promo, cause when I saw “acoustic” Black Metal, I thought “can’t be good” and remembered the old Black Metal project from the guys from Anal Cunt who made a “joke” acoustic Black Metal project named Impaled Northern Moonforest.

How wrong was I. This one-man band is really good. The songs are well done and don’t sound strange at the same time, well, in the first hearing was a bit strange, but song after song, the Black Metal feeling and atmosphere started to appear and for me is just “another” Black Metal album, “another” in the good meaning. 

All songs are really good, but the songs that managed to touch me more was the “In the Arms of North” and  “The Feathered Serpent” and, for that, I need to say, Wonderful. On the “The Feathered Serpent” song, was where I found with more influences on it.

I continue to say that sounds a bit strange saying “Acoustic Black Metal” but the music is very good. You need to give them a try and listen too. 7.5 The Key Keeper



Official Website

7.5/10 Victory is possible
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