Keelrider – Sun (Single)

2 min read

Band: Keelrider
Title: Sun – from the upcoming album Second Wind
Label: Independent
Release date: 06 December 2019
Country: Iceland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

It’s always fun when bands from your home country are on the list of review options for the week. This week it was KEELRIDER´s track “Sun” from their upcoming album “Second Wind”, which for now I have to wait patiently for while I enjoy North, released by them just last year. The debut album really got the ball running for these guys, and with their goal to make a long lasting impact on the metal scene at home in Iceland I’d say they have made good progress on that already.

Stoner is the genre that seems to be labeling KEELRIDER for more than just me. The track in question includes vocals ranging from Alice in Chains to Clutch to Queens of the Stone Age, from clean to more gritty, with the music thoroughly following. The riffs surely have a stoner sound to it while meeting rock halfway through. Quite melodic in all its heaviness.

The first half of the five minute long track is more to my appeal than the second half, the production is both heavy and airy enough to sound quite professional and over all the track is a good teaser for what is to come. So keep an eye out for Keelrider as they progress even further in the scene and enjoy the track until “Second Wind” becomes available. 7/10 Julia



7/10 Victory is possible
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