3 min read

Number XXX… Many bands I already mentioned here. Many styles too, many nationalities many many hours of music. It’s an honor for me being here for all of you. So once more I live to all of you more recos. Enjoy it.

Band: Dream Tröll
Title: Second To None
Label: Independent
Release date: 12 July 2019
Country: England
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

I got this promo directly from the band and to be honest… Never heard about them. Sorry about it. Dream Tröll comes from England and they play a music style, that I admit is not my “beach” but… They managed to grab me since the first song. They are moving inside the 80’s metal with a modern touche here and there. The songs are very catchy, well structured, good beat and the band can transmit good vibes. Good surprise for me. I strongly advise this band.


Band: Swan Valley Heights
Title: The Heavy Seed
Label: Fuzzorama Records
Release date: 06 September 2019
Country: Germany
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

Here I have another band for you that is far away from my “beach” but since I’m a bit curious and I love to know quality music, yes quality music… I decided to talk a bit about this band. They are from Berlin (based)/Germany and they play (according to the label) Psychedelic stoner rock. Yes, I agree with that but I also found some touches related to progressive music and some “soft” jazz here and there and fuzz music (if this term really exist). The mix sounds strange? A bit I know, but for me sounds that. It was very good listening. Telling the truth. You should listen. 


Band: Dizziness
Title: ReRoute
Label: Independent
Release date: 03 September 2019
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

Dizziness is from Greece and they exist since 2008. Many demos, splits, EP and now the third album. I follow this band since the beginning and looking now for the past, since the first release. This album… Well is different. The sound of the band is different. In my opinion, they lost the sound, the way of playing, the riffs that relate them to the Hellenic Black Metal that I like it too much. Not saying that is bad. It’s different. This album, even if it is different from the rest of the discography is a very good release. The songs are strong and very good. You should listen to them and after that, if you want we can talk about it.


Band: Sophist
Title: Betrothal to the Stone: Conception of Mephisto​
Label: Independent
Release date: 16 August 2019
Country: Canada
Format reviewed: Digital Promo

Well… This is the first release from this Canadian duo, and they play Black Metal with Grindcore. So… You can find here plenty of influences of Mayhem or Napalm Death. The mix is well done? Well… It is. To me did, but not at the first hearing, or the second. It’s a release that is necessary a few times of playing to enter inside our ears and try to understand what they want to achieve and to understand the music. Give them a chance. Note: The EP has 3 bonus tracks and… They are the same tracks of the EP but… Without the vocals. 


Don’t forget to support the bands.

Till next #BAZFriday
Stay metal.

The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.