Black Friday XX – Undergorund Reco

4 min read

La la la la la la la. It’s Friday again. YEAHHHHHH, that means that tomorrow will be the weekend… Well in some countries in this beautiful world is already weekend. Hmmmm… Whatever… For me, will be tomorrow. EhEh. It’s #BlackFriday #UndergroundReco again. So this time I brought you the following 4 bands. I hope you enjoy it and do not forget to support them and the labels too. Stay metal.


Band: Ares Kingdom
Title: By the Light of Their Destruction
Label: Nuclear War Now! Productions
Release Date: 15 May 2019
Country: USA
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


Well well. ARES KINGDOM is a band that I’m following since almost the beginning. I can’t deny the reason. It has two members from the extinct band Order From Chaos. So, when I got this promo I decided to listen to and… It’s good Thrash Death Metal like always ARES KINGDOM made and can do. It’s better than the previous albums? Well, it depends on your musical taste. For me is +/- at the same level comparing for example with the excellent “Incendiary” or “Return To Dust”. “By the Light of Their Destruction” is an album that got me by the balls, (that hurts man) and made me do headbanging and play “Air guitar” too eheheheheh. The old feeling, the old spirits of metal are inside the ARES KINGDOM latest album, and when you click on the “play” button… Beware, they will be released…


Official Website 


Band: Coronary
Title: Demo
Label: Heathen Tribes
Release Date: 20 May 2019
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Tan tan tammmmm ( I can’t imitate the riffs and the screams on words, lol). This demo is nothing more than the demo originally released by the band in 2018 and now the German label is doing the reissue. This demo only has 3 songs and it’s Heavy Metal. Old fashion and a very good Heavy Metal and… Wait, I’m not a fan of Heavy Metal. Yes, it’s true, I’m not. So why I’m doing this review? Because this demo is very GOOOODDDDD. With this promo, I decided to listen to first 2 or 3 times and only after that read all the info that I got in the promo. The first thing that came to my little mind… The band Accept and you know one thing? When I read the info on the promo, Accept was mention there. Eheh. If you are an Old Fashion Heavy Metal fan, this demo is for you. If you are not? Well, you will lose a really good demo and a really good band and this is the opinion from one nonlover Heavy Metal music style.




Band: Evil Angel
Title: Unholy Evil Metal
Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Release Date: 31 May 2019
Country: Finland
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


After a few demos, a few splits, one album and with almost 11 years without releasing anything, EVIL ANGEL unleashes the second album. This band is for lovers of old school Black Thrash Metal with dirty sound. Well… And here I’m. EhEh. The songs are very good and very well done. The perfect mix of the mention music styles. The sick and catchy riffs and do not forget the insane solos from the Thrash Metal style and the Black Metal cadency and atmosphere. The voice, as it was expected it has effects and maybe, just maybe will not be “pleasant” to many. I like it. I advise this release only to lovers of this music style or to lovers of Urn or Bestial Mockery. And… I can tell you that this album will play many times in my life because it is good and headbanging. Yeah…


Official Website


Band: Marcia Funebre
Title: Marcia Funebre
Label: Heathen Tribes
Release Date: 06 May 2019
Country: Greece
Format reviewed: Digital Promo


“Marcia Funebre” is the first release from the band MARCIA FUNEBRE. The band from Greece that plays Black Metal. Musically they are Black Metal in the vein of Trimonium from Germany or Infinity from the Netherlands, yes, they remind me a lot both bands and the melody/brutality made by them. But the band doesn’t deny them origins and they mix the Hellenic Black Metal style with the melody/brutality of the Black Metal. But in the song “A Manifest to…” is the proof of that. But this band is not only Black Metal, to be honest. The voice… Not bad, beware of that. The voice’s in the purest Death Metal style. So, I can say that the band MURCIA FUNEBRE is a Black Death Metal band. Both styles are there. at least in my opinion. The album has almost 42 minutes with a few up and downs, but that depends on the musical taste of each one. But it is a very good hearing. Check them.




Thank you for reading my #UndergroundReco… Till next #BlackFriday
Stay metal.

The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.