Black Friday X – Underground Reco

3 min read

The weeks are passing by and this week it’s already the tenth time that I’m doing this “Article/Post”. Yap, it’s true.
This time I decided to do a special one and the chosen one was the label Australis Records from Chile and because of that, the label contacts will be at the end of the article. A label that only releases bands from Chile. So give them a chance and if you don’t know the label or bands, just support them.


Band: Endimion
Title: Latmus
Label: Australis Records
Release Date: 05 February 2018
Country: Chile
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo


ENDIMION… They started in 2005 and the first release of them was the demo “Rehearsal 1206” back in 2006. A few releases after that and last month they released “Latmus”, the second album. This last album was and it is my first contact with them and I like what I heard and what I’m still hearing. ENDIMION plays a Doom Death Metal with quality. The changes of tempos in the songs from the Doom to the Death Metal and/or vice versa are very well done. It’s nothing new but it’s well done, so they deserve my positive opinion. 



Band: Perpetual Among Us
Title: Thy Will Be Done
Label: Australis Records
Release Date: 05 February 2018
Country: Chile
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo


PERPETUAL AMONG US… Well for the cover and the logo I think that everyone already knows what the band plays. Yes, they play Black Metal but not the traditional one (the 90’s). It has some atmosphere around it, but not related to Atmospheric Black Metal and some dark passages here and there that can fulfill the songs and make it more attractive and I will say even more “felt/personal”, this EP. It was a good surprise from this Chilean band and “Thy Will Be Done” is the first release…




Band: Putrid Coffin
Title: Under the Cemetery
Label: Australis Records
Release Date: 05 February 2018
Country: Chile
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo


Well… This release was originally released in 2016 by the band in digital. Now the label Australis Records release it in CD format. When I saw that name I already knew what I would listen to. But, they surprised me. I thought that was just old, retro, filthy Death Metal but was not only that. They also have Thrash Metal. So PUTRID COFFIN is a Death Thrash Metal band. Sometimes the mix reminds me of the band Master. Good sound production, good songs but… I didn’t like so much the vocals and the changes in the same. They are a mix of many styles and the final result is not so good. I like it when is strong and more related to the Death Metal. But that is just my opinion. Listen to them…



Band: Rebirth In Flames
Title: Lucifer’s Cosmogony
Label: Australis Records
Release Date: 05 February 2018
Country: Chile
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo


Originally released in tape format from Culto Negro Distro (Chile), this album is now released by Australis Records and CD. And thanks a lot for that, because if Australis Records did not I would never know this band almost for sure. REBIRTH IN FLAMES plays a Black Death Metal with good quality. They are a band that doesn’t have any problem to show their influences. One of them is Dissection. But REBIRTH IN FLAMES is not a copy-paste band, (thankfully) but the influences are there. This album since the beginning till the end was a very good hearing. I advise them.





See you all next week,
The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.