Black Friday VII – Underground Reco

4 min read

Well well, another week and another #BlackFriday #UndergroundReco.
This time I decided to review another 4 bands, this time completely unknown to me. I went to Germany, Canada, Sweden, France, Lithuania and finished in the USA. This is the world I LOVE. The world of METAL…


Band: Mirror Of Deception
Title: The Estuary
Label: Independent
Release Date: 09 November 2018
Country: Germany
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo


“The Estuary”… Was the first contact from me with this band. Hmmmmm… What do we have here? After listening to a few times to this promo that I got directly from the band, I can assume that they play Traditional Doom with some Paradise Lost (Icon-era) influences. Yes, it’s what it sounds to me. Traditional Doom is not my beach, I have to admit – I know a few bands, but that’s all. So listening to this band was a pleasant time, ’cause they do good music. The structure of the songs and the riffs chosen for them are really good and they have managed to get into my head in a very, I say, natural and pleasant way. 



Band: Nervous Impulse / Anüs / Unsu
Title: Daily Grind
Label: More Hate Productions
Release Date: 18 January 2019
Country: Canada / France / Sweden
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo


The word on this 3-way split… GRIND, mainly…  As I already said in the previous #BlackFriday I always loved split releases. In this case 3 bands. So the first one is NERVOUS IMPULSE and they are from Canada.  They play Death/Grind. Some typical Death Metal riffs in the songs but what they are in the majority is… Grind. And when they start to play it… Tchhhh… Fast, ugly and perhaps to some they’d sound a bit chaotic. Interesting… ANÜS are from Sweden and the first song from them started with a funny intro. When I started to listen to the riffs, vocals, the way is the drum played… Goregrind style? Well, it looks to me, but… “Piggy voice”? Well… From what I know from this sub-genre of Grind I do not remember this way of singing… Hmmm… The riffs are catchy and sometimes gave me the will to dance a bit, but… They don’t only play this kind of Happy Dance Grind (does this exist???), ’cause when they start the engine… They are fast. Just listen to them. On the end of this split is the band UNSU from France. WOW… The first two words that came to my head. Rotten Sound… Yes, this is pure FVCKG grind, well, at least to me. This is simply the pure discharge of riffs, the drum is brutal and fast from the beginning to the end, the voice always unloading grunts, to discharge words at an excessive speed. Very good. So… 3 bands playing 3 different Grind styles, all them good IMO. Very good this split.


Nervous Impulse





Band: Autism
Title: Have You Found Peace?
Label: St.Ripper Records
Release Date: 04 February 2019
Country: Lithuania
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo


From this country, I only know very few bands and none play the music style of AUTISM. So, AUTISM was completely unknown and a good surprise for me.  Not easy to say correctly the music style played by them. They sound sometimes a Post Rock/Metal band, sometimes an Atmospheric Sludge Metal band with some proggy touches here and there. Well, that’s what it sounded like to me. The songs, they all have an atmosphere very well achieved, that can transport you to another place, that can make you feel relaxing moments but at the same time, your body is balancing as the music plays. They managed to transmit the feelings in a very positive and well done way. I did like listening to this band. Very good indeed. And the sax…





Band: Oculum Dei
Title: Dreams of Desire and Torment
Label: Independent
Release Date: 22 February 2019
Country: USA
Format Reviewed: Digital Promo


Where to start… Well, from the beginning I think. Ok, they play Black Metal. More… How can I say… There is something in the whole album that didn’t work or don’t work and no feeling was transmitted to me. They have some (few) good riffs here and there, some interesting parts in the whole album, but only a few to be sincere, at least to me. The voice… Something that reminds me old Cradle of Filth, just the way of singing not the voice itself, ok? After 5 or 6 times listening to the whole album, I started to think, if they really play Black Metal… Yes, they play, but it didn’t make the click on my ears. Listen to them and judge yourself…




See you all next week,
The Key Keeper

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.