Enon Chapel – Enon Chapel

2 min read

Band: Enon Chapel
Title: Enon Chapel
Label: Acephale Winter Records
Release date: 001 February 2019
Country: USA
Format reviewed: Digital Mp3

What we have here is a collection of 6 tracks of pure underground, basement, lo-fi Black Metal with elements of punk & Thrash (released digitally via Bandcamp and on the ultimate underground format: the never dying cassette).

This is a new side project from Meghan Wood & Balan recorded in sunny California, that location does not show in their music though, this is raw, distorted, dark and atmospheric. The duo gives a nod to ILDJARN, BONE AWL, CULT OF DAATH in terms musical influence and lyrically the Victorian-Era London, meaning Jack the Ripper and rotting corpses.

Meghan Wood is primarily known for her CROWN OF ASTORIA, with an astonishing number of offerings (26 since 2013: All instruments, Vocals, Songwriting, Lyrics). Balan is also very productive with his PALACE OF WORMS and ORDO OBSIDIUM, and a multi-instrumentalist. Despite the ambient, avant garde, twisted pedigree the members of ENON CHAPEL possess, this album is surprisingly straight forward Black Metal. The intro-track Eldrich” is atmospheric and somehow what you expect from them. Then they kick off with a string of mid paced riff-driven Black Metal. Vocals a bit low in the mix (basement style), a great guitar tone, haunting synth, and just right drums (the bass is hardly there). It is not always easy to pin down what makes a record great, this album just seems to fit, it`s not overly original, nor is it groundbreaking. ENON CHAPEL just finds the way to make Black Metal sound fresh and with a great sense of emotion. I find myself restarting this album repeatedly, loving the production. Favorite track: “Anatomy Murder”8/10 Harald

Bandcamp (album)


8/10  To Greatness and Glory!
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre.**