Eldritch of Death’s Album of the Year

2 min read

Its been an interesting year for metal in 2018. There certainly was a fair amount of great releases but there’s always some that just stand out more and rise above. Whether signed or unsigned, to be a demo, or a tape or a CD, etc, it’s all here and in no particular order or rating. For the most part, I have always been a death metal fiend with my main interests in metal even though I do like other various extreme genres as well. Here’s my list of the various releases this year that I felt made the difference and impacted greatly on me…

Concilivm – The Veiled Enigma (MC)
Country: Chile
Released January 18th, 2018 on Von Frost Records



Wombbath – The Great Desolation (CD)
Country: Sweden
Released June 1st, 2018 on Soul Seller Records



Slaughterday – Abattoir (CD)
Country: Germany
Released May 25th, 2018 on F.D.A. Records



Outre-Tombe – Necrovortex (CD)
Country: Canada
Released on October 17th, 2018 on Temple of Mystery Records



Abythic – Beneath Ancient Portals (CD)
Country: Germany
Released on May 11th, 2018 on Blood Harvest



Lucifericon – Al-Khem-Me (CD)
Country: Netherlands
Released on October 5th, 2018 on Invictus Productions



Bloodphemy – Bloodline (MC)
Country: Netherlands
Released on October 29th, 2018 on Dawning Septic Productions



Cardiac Arrest – A Parallel Dimension of Despair (CD)
Country: USA
Released on April 23rd, 2018 on Memento Mori



Hellbörn – Pillage in the Land of God (CD)
Country: Canada
Released on September 29th, 2018 (Independent)



Necrophobic – Mark of the Necrogram (CD)
Country: Sweden
Released on February 23rd, 2018 on Century Media Records



Vultur – Entangled in the Webs of Fear (CD)
Country: Greece
Released on February 12th, 2018 on Sevared Records



Ectoplasma – Cavern of Foul Beings (CD)
Country: Greece
Release on January 22nd, 2018 on Memento Mori



Boethiah – Celestial Gateway (CD)
Country: USA
Released on September 21st, 2018 on Rotted Life Records



Sentient Horror – The Crypts Below (CD)
Country: USA
Released on March 30th, 2018 on Redefining Darkness Records & Testimony Records



Lik – Carnage (CD)
Country: Sweden
Released May 4th, 2018 on Metal Blade Records



Ruin – Human Annihilation (CD)
Country: USA
Released on October 22nd, 2018 on Memento Mori



Demonical – Chaos Manifesto (CD)
Country: Sweden
Released on March 23rd, 2018 on Agonia Records



Coffin Stench – Putrid Rotting Death (MC)
Country: USA
Released on July 8th, 2018 on Negative Earth Records



Just Before Dawn – Tides of Blood (CD)
Country: Sweden / United Kingdom
Released on April 27th, 2018 on Raw Skull Records



Galvanizer – Sanguine Vigil (CD)
Country: Finland
Released on February 28th, 2018 on Everlasting Spew Records



Eldritch Of Death

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