Harmony In Grotesque – Noumenon

2 min read

Band: Harmony in Grotesque
Title: Noumenon
Label: Independent
Release Date: 30 April 2018
Country: Russia
Format reviewed: High Quality Digital Promo

Harmony in Grotesque… Is it possible to find Harmony in the Grotesque? I think so… It only depends on the tastes of each…

Harmony In Grotesque is a band from Russia and I had the pleasure of doing the review of the previous album “Painted by Pain” from 2011 in the year 2012 when the first issue of BAZ came out. So when the band sent me the promo of this album, I was curious to know how they sounded now, because it’s been 7 years.

What I remembered from this band was that they walked in the world of Death Doom Metal with some dark and progressive moments … And now they are different than they were at the time or are not they?

They are different. They had changes in the lineup and they changed the sound a bit … A new vocalist who manages to be a bit more versatile than the previous vocalist, being able to make more different voices, but the tone of his voice does not fit so well in my opinion into some parts of Harmony In Grotesque’s music. And a new guitarist …

The musical part …

I notice, or at least it looks like, that the band had some hard work, trying to find good riffs, good structure song, good ambiance… But…

They can be a little bit more progressive, atmospheric, and going again to a Dark Metal strand, (You can listen to the song “Infected” that shows a good mix of the progressive and Dark with the Death Doom) also present in the previous album, thus leaving more the traditional Death Doom Metal world (era 90) comparing with last album, that for me is the best mix and the best musical part of this band. For this, I advise the good song “The Funeral Song”. Here the band also goes or touch a bit in the Funeral Doom.

In resume… They can have a “weight” in the songs that can make my hearing a pleasant ok, they can be a bit creative, they can make good riffs and musical passages, but they do not bring anything new to the genre and unfortunately I can not stop comparing with the previous album which in my opinion is better but give a chance to them like I did. 6/10 The Key Keeper




6/10 We may survive!
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