Archelon – Tribe of Suns

Band: Archelon
Title: Tribe of Suns
Label: Sludgelord Records
Release Date: 4 May 2018
Country: United Kingdom
Format reviewed: CD-quality Digital Promo
Fast check with Wikipedia and I found that Archelon (from the Greek roots ἀρχε- arkhe- “chief” χελώνη and chelone “turtle”, meaning “ruler turtle”) is a genus of extinct sea turtles, the largest genus of sea turtles that has ever been documented, and the second-heaviest turtles documented.
Nowadays ARCHELON is a UK post/progressive/sludge band, and their music is just what their name says – gigantic flow into waters, a slow movement of super heavy body. It is like a dream under the waters of a deep sea, an experience of blue hallucination…
After two EPs and a compilation, “Tribe of Suns” is the band’s debut full-length album and it is coming really to crush. Really! Heavy, slow, with with clean guitar parts exploding to high vibrato and crescendo solos. Very emotional all the time, but no sun at all coming from these tribes of suns…With many peaks and downs, taking the listener to an in-depth journey to the well hidden or forgotten places of the soul. The artwork of the album is also something to have a thought on. It hides old secrets and invites to take the next step to unveil lost expectations…So much could be interpreted. Just like in all the tunes which the band deliver.
Not sure of this is a right comparison, but it might give some direction: I would describe Archelon’s music as a magic mix of current Neurosis meeting 95-99 Anathema. Well, well, well!
“Tribe of Suns” contains 7 tracks resulting in 46 minutes of total playing time. The opener “Man is an artefact” is really sad, dark and slow and contains everything what I have described above about the album. “Tribe of Suns” is much more dynamic, faster, with enjoyable riff in the beginning, with middle ambient part, leading to the the place where to find the shaman of this tribe, ending heavily. “Jonah” “A dried ocean” “Destroyer” are just continuing the slow, ritualistic, muddy and torturous emotional line of the record, with highs leading to almost whispering ambient moments, and then bringing back the full heavy and painful feeling to present…”Hollow gloom” is what it says – a cavernous doomy track, taken from a distant psychedelic nightmare (check the screaming guitar!). The album ends with lighter guitar instrumental “River”, an unspoken sorrow, a sad silent promise for something which should have been…
I must admit, I was very impressed by Archelon’s “Tribe of Suns”. It might be right if I say that it is among the top albums released in May 2018, and for sure among the best doom/post/sludge albums of 2018. A mandatory for every fan of slow, heavy, dark, emotional music. Deep. That’s enough said. 8.5/10 Count Vlad
8.5/10 To Greatness and Glory
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