Band: Formicarius Title: Rending the Veil of Flesh Label: Schwarzdorn Production Release date: 13 September 2019 Country: England Format: Digital...
United Kingdom
Band: Pernicion Titled: Seek What They Sought Label: Osmose Productions Release 22 February 2019 Country: United Kingdom Format reviewed: Digital...
Band: Hecate Enthroned Titled: Embrace of the Godless Aeon Label: M-Theory Release 25 January 2019 Country: UK Format reviewed: 320kbit mp3...
Band: Foul Title: Of Worms Label: Caligari Records Release date: 25th January 2019 Country: USA Format reviewed: Digital Promo FOUL...
Band: Juniper Grave Title: Of Hellions and Harridans Label: Wasted State Records Release Date: 7th December 2018 Country: Scotland Format...
There are only three people now who can guide you how to measure the tiniest space between the atoms and...
Band: Bast Title: Nanoångström Label: Black Bow Records Release date: 23 November 2018 Country: UK Format reviewed: High Quality Digital...
Band: Hex A.D. Title: Netherworld Triumphant Label: Fresh Tea Release Date: 9 November 2018 Country: Norway/UK Format reviewed: High Quality Digital...
Band: Heads For The Dead Title: Serpent’s Curse Label: Transcending Obscurity Records Release Date: 24 September 2018 Country: UK/ Germany...
Distinctive, groovy, enjoyable and storytelling Gramma Vedetta come to mismatch the grey world, forming a Council of Elderly which is about...