Band: Tuscoma Title: Arkhitecturenominus Label: Antena Krzyku Records/Muzai Records Release date: August 16, 2018 Country: New Zealand Format reviewed: mp3...
Band: Battleroar Title: Codex Epicus Label: Cruz Del Sur Release date: 15 June 2018 Country: Greece Format reviewed: vinyl LP...
Band: Stormland Title: Songs Of Future Wars Label: Independent/Self-released Release date: August 3, 2018 Country: Canada Format reviewed: mp3 (vbr)...
Band: Parius Title: The Eldritch Realm Label: Independent/Self-released Release date: July 20, 2018 Country: USA Format reviewed: 320 kbps promo...
Band: Salems Lott Title: Mask of Morality Label: Independent/Self-released Release date: April 6, 2018 Country: USA Format reviewed: CD/Hi-Res download...
Band: Freedom Hawk Title: Beast Remains Label: Ripple Music Release date: March 23, 2018 Country: USA Format reviewed: vinyl LP...
Band: Traitor Album: Knee-Deep In The Dead Label: Violent Creek Records Release date: April 27, 2018 Country: Germany Format reviewed:...
Band: Crimson Day Title: At The Mountains Of Madness Label: Independent Release date: February 17, 2018 Country: Finland Format reviewed:...
Band: Voltaje Cadáver Album: Todos Los Colores De La Oscuridad Label: Independent/Odio Sonoro Release date: March 30, 2018 Country: Spain...
Band: Dangerous Curves Album: "So Dirty Right" Label: Independent Release date: April 6, 2018 Country: Australia Format reviewed: FLAC...