Xenoglossy Productions introduces Crown of Ascension, the new side project from A. White, primarily known as the mastermind behind the...
Guignol Noir's "Mantric Malediction" is set to be released by Repose Records on 06 November 2020. "Mantric Malediction" is an...
The dedicated folk at Blessed Altar are pleased to premiere "No Longer Human" from new Swedish Black Metal duo Hark...
Stream ‘Something In The Water,’ by League of Corruption Guitarist Brian Langley Discusses Doom-Groove Metal Debut in Bonus Audio Interview...
Many naysayers claim that there is nothing new under the extreme metal sun, that the genre has reached saturation. These...
THE SUNS JOURNEY THROUGH THE NIGHT is from Birmingham and already released three demos and an EP. No-one the mastermind...
The metal underground is a monstrous void of power that calls to all metalheads around the world. Today the void...
Years of tour experience, decades of studying music and a lifelong dedication to the underground. These are the things that...
Fans of symphonic black metal, rejoice! Today, Canadian quintet Astaroth Incarnate are set to premiere their striking new video for...
Blessed Altar Zine always supports the underground and today we are happy to host LONESCAR for an exclusive stream! With...