No one can doubt the passion for extreme metal that Buffalo, New York native Jon Lambert possesses. Jon recently released...
Lurking in the Danish extreme metal underground ARKÆON is a shadowy black metal entity comprising Zarnak (guitar), Nohr (drums &...
Endezzma is a Norwegian Black Metal band that was formed in 2005, but their roots are in the 90’s under...
Vananidr is a Black Metal band from Sweden, their melodic sound is driven by darkness, gloomy atmospheres, breathtaking passages of...
Tucson, Arizona’s Languish is a crushing, bone breaking death metal beast. Earlier this month the group — consisting of Sean...
Toadeater is a German extreme metal band with a sound that’s hard to pin down, but really digs its hooks...
Enchantment is a Death/Doom Metal band from the United Kingdom that was founded in 1991. They released a demo in...
Lurking in the outer limits of extremity, technicality and atmospherics, US technical death metal duo Acausal Intrusion hit the ground...
Erik Gärdefors is the man behind Grift, a Swedish one-man band that speaks like no others can do straight to...
Being a metalhead and having the opportunity of interviewing some of my favorite artists is a fantastic thing. This time...