Band: Death Karma Title: The History of Death & Burial Rituals Pt II Label: Beyond Eyes Productions Release date: 24...
This Sunday we decided to bring you not so long ago in time and throw some suggestions from 2010, among...
Band: Rifftera Title: Across the Acheron Label: Inverse Records Release Date: 18 January 2019 Country: Finland Format Reviewed: High quality...
Band: Foul Title: Of Worms Label: Caligari Records Release date: 25th January 2019 Country: USA Format reviewed: Digital Promo FOUL...
Frantic speed, smashing memorable riffs and anthemic tracks - this is HELLRIPPER. With his highly acclaimed Coagulating Darkness, Mr. James...
Band: Master Title: Vindictive Miscreant Label: Transcending Obscurity Records Release date: 28th November 2018 Country: Czech Republic Format reviewed: Digital...
Band: Wardehns Title: Now Cometh The Foul Label: Independent Release Date: 21 December 2018 Country: USA Format reviewed: Digital Promo...
Band: Thulsa Doom Title: Realms of Hatred Label: Invictus Productions Release Date: 7th December 2018 Country: Italy Format reviewed: Digital...
The 1980s was quite revolutionary in the music world, due to the proliferation and advancements in synthesiser technology from the...
Band: Epitimia Title: Нить (Thread) Label: Naturmacht Productions Release Date: 18 January 2018 Country: Russia Format Reviewed: High quality digital...