Band: Sacrocurse Title: Gnostic Holocaust Label: Iron Bonehead Productions Release Date: October 19, 2017 Country: Mexico The greatest issue with...
Blessed Altar Zine
Band: Vassafor Title: Malediction Label: Iron Bonehead Productions (Lp, Tape) / Debemur Morti Productions (CD) Release Date: October 13, 2017 Country:...
Band: EnsepulcherTitle: No Sanctity in DeathLabel: Transylvanian Tapes / Blood HarvestDate: May 3, 2017 / October 6, 2017Country: United StatesWell...
Hellripper is a one-man black/thrash project out of Aberdeen, Scotland that has been generating some buzz around the release of...
Band: War PossessionTitle: Doomed to ChaosLabel: Memento MoriRelease Date: October 23, 2017Country: GreeceHailing from Greece, War Possession began in 2008....
Band: GoatpenisTitle: Anesthetic VaporsLabel: Nuclear War Now! ProductionsRelease date: October 15, 2017Country: BrazilGoatpenis, black/death veterans from Santa Catatina, Brazil, march...
Band: Thy Serpent's Cult Title: Supremacy Of Chaos Label: Ordo MCM Release Date: October 23, 2017 Country: Chile Well ......
Band: Savage AnnihilationTitle: Quand S'abaisse La Croix Du BlasphèmeLabel: XenokorpRelease Date: October 13, 2017Country: FranceHearing these new blasphemous hymns, this...
Band: BlindeathTitle: Reborn from the ShadowsLabel: IndependentDate date: June 6th, 2016Country: Chile “Reborn from the Shadows,” is a debut release from...
Band: DeviatorTitle: Might ov AncientLabel: Vacula Productions / Kundalini RecordsRelease date: October 31, 2016Country: UkraineMight ov Ancient, the 2016 offering...