Pete Rawcliffe “Right Back To The Sea” for #METALMOMENTUM

5 min read

Band: Pete Rawcliffe
Title: Right Back To The Sea
Country: England
Release Date: April 25th, 2024
Label: Independent
Format Reviewed: High-quality digital recording

Single Review:

“Pete Rawcliffe – Right Back To The Sea:  A journey through doubts, fear, longing and a love as big and deep as the infinite ocean”.

Right Back To The Sea is a mesmerizing ballad from sopranist Pete Rawcliffe’s debut album “H.E.R – Hiding Every Reminder” coming soon. Blending angelic vocals, masterful piano, and soulful violin melodies, it weaves a captivating tale of fear, doubt, vulnerability and profound love. With its ethereal atmosphere and deeply relatable lyrics, this song promises an unforgettable musical journey, resonating with the hearts and souls of listeners” by Elyna Steel.

Born in the serene landscapes of Devon, southwest England, Pete Rawcliffe stands out as an impressive singer, famous for his angelic soprano voice. His repertoire is a range of diverse musical styles, standing out widely in the world of symphonic metal, as leader of Crown Solace, in addition to his numerous contributions to many other musical projects.

Additionally, Pete loves collaboration and teaching singing, helping others to develop their path to finding their own voice and thus gaining a place in the world of music.

All of this makes Pete Rawcliffe not only an incredible artist but also a valuable human being, solidary with his knowledge, and being a mentor to many.

This being said, let’s delve into “Right Back To The Sea”, the first single from “H.E.R – Hiding Every Reminder”, Pete’s debut album, coming soon. This song was composed and played on piano by Adrian Benegas, accompanied by Caroline Salmona on violins.  It was released on April 25th and encounters a moving lyrics video on YouTube whose credits are to Herbie Langhans in mixing and mastering and Stefani Keogh in the artwork.

The story of this soulfelt song is simply wonderful. It is the struggle of a person who is suddenly reached by the most immense and intense love. It is not sought, it is not expected, it simply arrives untimely and unexpectedly. Suddenly that person sees themselves naked in their vulnerability when they realize that they have fallen so deeply in love. It is there that he questions whether that comfort zone, the immense sea that is the only place where he feels free, is a place just for himself. “Do I really want to swim alone?” He asks himself and then confesses that he fears abandonment, he fears that the person who has awakened his feelings so intensely will ever leave, and he wonders if that person would be by his side if he called. However, he knows that his heart has already opened the door and there is no turning back, but he is afraid, that is why he flees to the sea… to the only place where he feels free, being alone.

This song expresses the feeling of all of us who have ever hidden from love under a shell, out of fear, mistrust, or bad experiences in the past and who, suddenly realise that we think about that special person 24/7, who without even realising, begin to miss them, that every time we hear their voice, see them or read their messages, a smile appears on our face and our heart jumps with joy.

And it is definitive; we have fallen madly in love. Without looking for it!

And we are terrified, we fear being betrayed, abandoned, and hurt by that wonderful person who opened the doors of our hearts against all odds. We want that love, but doubt overwhelms us, fear is so great that we want to run away from our feelings – to the sea. Although it doesn’t matter how much we fight, love is stronger, and always wins.

In terms of musicality, I confess this ballad is one of the most beautiful I have ever listened to, it made me drop much more than one tear here and there.

The performance of Adrian Benegas on the piano is overwhelming. Throughout, a dark, crisp and breathtaking tone, like the breeze and the waves of the sea, at night. It charmingly contrasts with the luminous, angelic voice of Pete who amazes with its nuances, with delicate and brilliant notes at the beginning, almost like a lullaby that touches your heart, passing through moments of breakdown, of immense softness until reaching the chorus where he displays his vocal perfection as a sopranist.

I was surprised that he even performed sweet galdr singing in the Nordic tribal style by the midsection of the track, giving it even more richness, ¡more beauty – as if his operatic vocal performance alone wasn’t enough to leave you with your heart in your hand!

The ethereal keyboards surround the song with a captivating aura throughout several moments and amplify the synergy between the voice and the piano. Furthermore, the soulful violin melodies inject an extra dimension of emotion, enriching the track with deep feeling and incomparable beauty. Together, these instrumental elements blend harmoniously, creating a musical story that personally touched my heart and that I am positive won’t leave anyone indifferent.

In short, “Right Back To The Sea” is a captivating musical journey that weaves together themes of doubt, vulnerability, fears and deep love. Pete Rawcliffe’s stunning voice, complemented by Adrian Benegas’ masterful piano playing and Caroline Salmona’s beautiful violin melodies, creates a truly thrilling experience. With its ethereal atmosphere and a story that is the reflection of many, this song deeply impacts the soul and heart. As Pete’s debut single from his upcoming album, it gives us a good idea of what to expect for what’s to come, promising an unforgettable musical journey, full of deep beauty and love, like the infinite ocean.

In light of the above, and having lived an unforgettable experience on this journey towards the deepest love, I have no choice but to rank this wonderful song: 10/10 by Elyna


Pete Rawcliffe

10/10 Immortal Classic
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