#ShortOnes CXXXV #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

Here I’m again to give you a few recos, from what I had the pleasure to listen to during this week. Of course, is not all here. Hope you enjoy it.

Check my recos…

Band: Avskräde
Title: Undergång
Label: Purity Through Fire
Release date: 21 December 2023
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I have the lucky to follow this band since the first release. Yes, it is true, only one demo and now the second album, but… Still a pleasure. This band continues to release damn good Black Metal. You can’t miss this album, and of course, this album. Check them.

Band: Dethroned
Title: A Bridge to Eternal Darkness
Label: Dominance of Darkness Records
Release date: 01 December 2023
Country: Germany
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Uh la la… This band and this album… Damn good. Full of melody, fast Black Metal, amazing riffs, very well-constructed songs, and a very good voice. This album is damn good and you must check it. Trust me, you will not regret it.

Band: Úlfarr
Title: Orlegsceaft
Label: Purity Through Fire
Release date: 21 December 2023
Country: England
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I remember listening to this band some years ago and they were more inside the DSBM and it’s a style inside the Black Metal world that doesn’t say to much to me, even if there are very damn good bands inside it. So, when I got the promo I decided to check them again and… Very good. Still exist a few DSBM touches here and there but not like in the past. You need to check them, cause this album will “kill” you with quality.

See you next week and…

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**