#ShortOnes CXXIX #UndergroundRecos

3 min read

Hello there,

Another Saturday, another article, and here I’m once more to give some recos.
October didn’t end and till now many good releases are already out there and many more will come too. November will be as good as this month? Well, the future will tell.

Check my recos…

Band: Æolian
Title: Echoes of the Future
Label: Black Lion Records
Release date: 24 November 2023
Country: Spain
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Æolian is not a strange band for BAZ. We already made interviews and reviews with past members, and now is my turn to say a few words. The band doesn’t bring anything new to the Melodic Death Metal style except for one thing. Quality. Yes, you can’t reinvent some styles, other you can, maybe. Anyway, Æolian, bring a new album to us with a lot of quality. If you are a fan of this style you need to check them. Even if you still about almost one month of the album date release, there is already 3 singles playing. Check them.

Band: Aeon Winds
Title: Night Sky Illuminations
Label: Avantgarde Music
Release date: 27 November 2023
Country: Slovakia
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Uh la la. First I have to say this. Damn good. This band is growing a lot, and this new album is proof of that. Our past member Count Vlad did the review of the previous album (HERE) and now I’m here to talk about the third album released by this band. In the world of Orchestral Black Metal, THERE are bands and there are bands… Aeon Winds is on the first one, I don’t like so much of this music style inside Black Metal, but when a band manages to “click” on my little brain, and my ears open to hear quality. Congratulations on achieving this. This band deserves a BIG listen.

Band: Aeonian Sorrow
Title: Katara
Label: Independent
Release date: 01 November 2023
Country: Finland / Greece
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I’m here talking about this band cause of pure curiosity. I saw the name of the album, and it managed to open my curiosity. So I decided to check it. Completely blind and like a zero on the left side at the beginning of the number, it means knowing nothing at all. Opened the file, and my journey started. Yes. Saw the cover, and my brain started to say “You are F&%#$d, this will be a kind of Goth band or a Power Metal female-fronted band”. Well, the female (with no offense by using this word) is there, but not a Power Metal band. Thankfully. The Goth part… Well, is here and there, no way to deny it. But the and is not only that. The band moves inside the Gothic Doom Death Metal. If you remember the beginning of bands like Theatre of Tragedy or The Gathering, you will know what Aeonian Sorrow plays. And… Well, like the article says… I recommend this band. Check it.

See you next week and…

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**