#ShortOnes CXXVI #UndergroundRecos

3 min read

Hello there,

And here I’m once more to give you recos on the first October Saturday. The year is passing so damn fast. Soon we will all celebrate a new year and life is running so quickly.

Check my recos…

Band: Archangel
Title: Total Dark Sublime
Label: Scarlet Records
Release date: 20 October 2023
Country: Denmark
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

I remember when this label started… Yes, I do. I remember buying several releases of them and listening to, the ones that were not my music style. The Thrash Metal released by them at that time was good, some Death Metal and some Black Metal too. But then I lost track cause many bands were Power Metal or Heavy Metal, and that is not my beach or cup of tea. Anyway, moving forward… Got the promo from this band and decided to give it a listen. Not what I was expecting, but the final result was positive and I did enjoy it, so I decided to put this band here. What we have here is a band that plays a kind of Thrash Metal in a soft way like the new Metallica, mixed with some melodic Punk, like Pennywise for example, and some horror punk touches like Misfits. Even if is not my kind of music, the album is interesting and was good to listen to. Check them if you dare. Ahahahahahah

Band: Barbarian Swords
Title: Anti-Dogma Megaforce
Label: Eternal Juggernaut Records
Release date: 06 October 2023
Country: Catalonia, Spain
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

This is the kind of bands, you like or don’t. There are no half-terms, and the band is not here to please you, trust me. I had the pleasure to know them when they released the second album named “Worms”, checked the past releases, and continued and/or tried to stay updated till the third album. The band was moving inside the Black Doom Metal in my opinion, and a good one to be honest. So when I got this promo, I decided to check them and… They are faster, more aggressive, more brutal. I like it. Even if I like the past releases, this one is until now the best one in my opinion. Very good. Check them.

Band: Black Stag Rising
Title: Little Wolf
Label: Fiadh Productions
Release date: 13 October 2023
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

While listening to the promo, I was checking the band. So many singles… Hmm… Anyway…
Originally released as a single, “Little Wolf” is released now on tape via Fiadh Productions and with one extra song, “Little Wolf II”, so… Can I say that is a double single release? The differences between both songs are very visible and obviously audible, and although I can’t find any information about this, I deduce that they were also recorded at different times. “Little Wolf II” sounds like a new song but at the same time looks/sounds like a new version of “Little Wolf”. Even if what it sounds or looks, both songs are good, moving inside the Atmospheric Black Metal with a lot, of (at least in my opinion), Blackgaze style. Check out the band and enjoy it.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**