#ShortOnes CXIII #UndergroundRecos

Hello there,
Here I’m again with a few recos for all of you. Today I’m here with 3 different recos. One that I found interesting and is way different from what I normally listen to. Another reco is very old-school stuff and I did enjoy it, so I decided to give a reco. And the last one, one band that I found at the beginning of the 00s’ and after that lost track…
So, check my recos…

Band: Djinn-Ghül
Title: Opulence
Label: Vicious Instinct Records
Release date: 14 July 2023
Country: USA / Venezuela
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
My first thought after looking at the cover “I’m going to listen to an OSDM band with a sick voice”. Well, I was wrong, and when I started to listen to and while reading the promo info. What I’m talking about is a style that I don’t listen to too much, not saying that is bad, not at all. IMO is a band that is doing what they like/love and also IMO the audience is very restricted, from what I know. For me, this band is an Industrial Cyber Brutal Death Metal. The Cyber here is not so present for example Fractura De Pene from Spain, but it appears here and there in the music. I did enjoy it. Check them.

Band: Eternal Rot
Title: Moribound
Label: Memento Mori
Release date: 24 July 2023
Country: England / Poland
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
It is old style, it’s simple, it is rotten, it’s sick, it’s basic. This is… Well, it did remind me of the mix of Heavy Doom with Old School Death Metal or a stoner band playing Death Metal. Yes, it did, but to be more correct, I can say the best description of this band is just Doom Death Metal. Even if it is very simple or basic, it is very good. The groove of the riffs is amazing and this album is very good IMO.

Band: Eternity
Title: Mundicide
Label: Soulseller Records
Release date: 07 July 2023
Country: Norway
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording
Are you ready for very good quality Black Metal, with a “good” sound production (good in this kind of music style), killer riffs, a good voice, good tempo changes, good feeling (if that exists in Black Metal, even if I talking about the music), very good songs? Well, if you want that, I think is time for you to listen to this album. I lost track after the second demo, I remember that I saw some info about the first album, but… Well, I lost track like I said. But now I catch it again. But now a curiosity… On the cover, all the hands have a weapon and they are all facing the same way… Why are there only two that are facing the opposite way? I’m curious…
Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.
The Key Keeper 666
**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**