#ShortOnes CXI #UndergroundRecos

2 min read

Hello there,

Well, it’s official… Summer arrived. The solstice was just a few days ago, but the warm is been already arrived several weeks ago, even if sometimes some rainy days (not so much, at least in my region), the last spring rains I can say. Anyway… Music was on my “side” and I choose the following ones…

So, check my recos…

Band: Grafvitnir
Title: Into the Outer Wilderness
Label: Regain Records
Release date: 30 June 2023
Country: Sweden
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Very good. I really loved this album. Very good riffs, and an amazing atmosphere, and the songs are very good. The sick and icy voice gives a cold feeling while listening to this album. The melody that comes from the guitars are cold as the northern winds and the drums are the thunders. A wild and big storm that destroys everything. This album is very good. You must listen to.

Band: Minas Morgul
Title: Nebelung
Label: Trollzorn Records
Release date: 02 June 2023
Country: Germany
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

For the ones that don’t know the band and a band with that name, you probably are already thinking Epic Black Metal, kind of Summoning based on Tolkien. No… Minas Morgul in my humble opinion is one of the best bands that are playing Pagan Black Metal. The quality played by this band is very good and this album is a proof of that. Check them. Well worth it.

Band: Reaping Flesh
Title: Abyss of Existence
Label: Redefining Darkness Records
Release date: 16 June 2023
Country: Italy
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

In my opinion, the Italian Death Metal underground always had very good bands, but unfortunately, not so many bands had/have the chance to be known outside Italy. Luckily and of course, cause many labels and bands are fighting for it and of course, the tools that exist nowadays help much more. And I found this band. Very good. Old spirit, old style, the gut, and the power of the Old Fashion Death Metal. I really enjoyed listening to this EP. Yes, unfortunately, is only an EP. But so damn good, Check them.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**