#ShortOnes CX #UndergroundRecos

Hello there,

Here I’m again with a few more recos for all of you. This week was amazing and I had the time to listen to a lot of music. Sometimes life gives us those very good moments and lets us stay amazingly “well” in our world.

So, check my recos…

Band: Hellruin
Title: Devils, Death and Dark Arts
Label: New Era Productions
Release date: 16 June 2023
Country: Netherlands
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

For the ones who don’t know this band from the Netherlands exists since 2015 and since its first release, in 2016, (at least IMO) this one-man band is releasing Black Metal with a lot of quality. This second album is no exception and is the kind of album that should be on your “Must listen to list”, yes, that is true. From the first song, till the last one, my head didn’t stop. In a bigger review, I would this album a 9 on a 10 rate scale. No doubts at all. Check it.

Band: Geist of Ouachita
Title: Imprisoned in the Graven Wood
Label: Signal Rex
Release date: 02 June 2023
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

In the last few years, the USBM has been growing and growing a lot IMO. Many of those bands playing and doing them sound look like the 90s European sound, where and end everything started, Some very close to that sound, others doing a mix of it with the USBM style, others, mixing atmospheric stuff, but the majority of those bands with a lot of quality. Geist of Ouachita is one of those bands with a lot of quality even if the band is very recent. If you are a lover of raw Black Metal this is for you.

Band: The Bleeding
Title: Monokrator
Label: Redefining Darkness Records
Release date: 09 June 2023
Country: England
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

Bummmmm. Yes, the bomb was dropped. Very near me to be honest. When I started to listen to this album, one band came to my mind, God Dethroned. The first song reminds me a lot, the first albums of the Netherlands band. The album continued to play and the quality was getting high, the addiction to this album too. The band managed to grab me and the album played a lot of times. The Death Thrash Metal played by them is very damn good. Check them.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**