#ShortOnes XCIII #UndergroundRecos

Hello there,

The last weekend of January. Yes, the month is already gone. Running fast…
The year in my opinion started well with many good releases. In all music styles. Not being easy to listen to all. Damn, so many. Unfortunately, many will only be listened to very “late”. Others we will only have the knowledge many months later. Yes, that is the world of music. But, better later than never.

Check my recos…

Band: Firienholt
Title: White Frost and Elder Blood
Label: Naturmacht Productions
Release date: 27 January 2023
Country: England
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

In 2001 the band released its first album, and it was a very good one in my opinion. Now, 2 years later, the second album is released, and once again Naturmacht Productions had the honour to release it. And again this album is very good. The band moves inside the Epic Atmospheric Black Metal mixing Dungeon Synth. If you don’t know the band, you should.

Band: Kommandant
Title: Titan Hammer
Label: Aeternitas Tenebrarum Musicae Fundamentum
Release date: 20 January 2023
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

This band in my opinion has been releasing very good music. This last album is once again proof of that. It’s raw, it’s fast, it’s destructive, it’s well done, it’s… Kommandant. For some, the band plays Death Black Metal, for others Black Death Metal. What is the correct one? Well… To be honest… For me, it’s a damn good band and I advise it. Check them.

Band: Malleus
Title: The Fires of Heaven
Label: Armageddon Label
Release date: 27 January 2023
Country: USA
Format reviewed: High-quality Digital Recording

2 EPs, one single, and now the first album. What you can listen to here? A very energetic and fast album. Very well achieved, with very good music, and a headbanging attitude. On gigs, the band probably will say something like “We are Malleus and we are here to destroy this place”. The songs are very good. The mix of Black Thrash and Speed Metal is very well done. Your head will not resist. Check them.

Don’t forget to support the bands and labels.

The Key Keeper 666

**Please support the underground! It’s vital to the future of our genre**